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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


The word “IF," believe it or not, is a profound word. It is a two letter small word with a deep impact. Grammatically, “If” introduces a conditional clause. It mentions conditions or circumstances upon which certain consequences follow.

If, you eat your vegetables, you can watch television.

If you do your homework, then you can go to the movies.

If you take your medicine as instructed, then you should feel better.

Then Jesus said to His disciples, 'If anyone wishes to come after ME, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow ME” Matthew 16:24.

Jesus used the word “if” often. Over 500 times the word “if” is referenced in the New Testament, and all in the four Gospels. Jesus always told man “if” you do this then…will happen. The “if” was on man’s side and never on God’s side. Because God always keeps His promises. The “if” was for man to do something, and “if” man would do what God wanted, God would come through for him.

The word “if” is very interesting. It speaks directly to our responsibility to God. Most promises in the Bible have conditions and the word “if” speaks for those conditions to happen, in order for God to keep His promise.

IF…we faint not, we shall reap in due season.” (Gal. 6:9)

IF MY people who are called by my name…” (2 Chron. 7:14)

IF you have faith as a grain…THEN” (Matt 17:20)

IF a man loves me he will keep my words: THEN” (John 14:23)

There is much expected from our relationship with God. God says, “IF” you will, THEN, I will; and IF you won’t, THEN, I won’t.”

Now let me be clear, God’s love toward us is totally unconditional. Sometimes we mistakenly believe that we first need to prove ourselves before God will love us or want a relationship with us. Christ’s love toward us is totally and completely undeserved. He saw our sins, before we knew we would commit them. Yet, Jesus loves us so much, that He left His heavenly home to become like us, to die for us, so that we might have a relationship with Him.

God calls us to be in a relationship with Him. He wants us to enjoy His love for us. He wants us to love Him back. He promises us, that He will be faithful to us and He requires that we be faithful in return.

He simply reminds us, “IF” you love me, “THEN”, you would keep my commandments.”

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