In grammar, "IT" is a pronoun. We commonly use the pronoun "it" as both a subject and an object pronoun. "It" can be used as the subject, object, or compliment of a verb or the object of a preposition. "It" is used to refer to a thing previously mentioned or easily identified ("a room with two beds in it"). "It" can be used to identify a person ("it's me").
In our life's journey, there will be some highs and lows, some ups and downs, some good and bad, some happiness and sadness, some bitterness and sweetness. It appears that the good times in life is so short lived and the bad times lingers on far too long. Disappointments sashays in our lives like an unwanted guest. We are disappointed by life situations, things, people, and events.
"It" could be a health issue. There comes a time in our life when we are not as healthy as we used to be. It could be something major and something minor. Sometimes when a health issue occurs, we have the tendency to dismiss it or ignore it, pretending that "it" will go away or "it" doesn't exist. Either way, "it" really does exist, rather "it" is minor or major.
"It" could be a workplace problem. The workplace is suppose to be the place where you go in and fulfill your professional obligation that you were hired to do, but we all know that you will face many issues and problems that will blindside you. Things happen that you never expected, thereby causing you to become surprise and frustrated. Sometimes the issues and problems can be resolved quickly and sometimes not. "It" really is real.
"It" could be a friendship issue. We need friends in our life. We share our life together with our friends. We share our sorrows with our friends. We share our thoughts with our friends. We even share our happiness with our friends. But sometimes our relationship with our friends can cause us some trouble. Things can ruin a friendship, like jealousy, betrayal, backstabbing, and lies. How can you start out being such good friends and then the relationship turns toxic? "It" really does happen.
"It" could be a financial crisis. Life has its uncertainties. You can have "it" going on one day and by the next day, the bottom falls out. A financial crisis can happen at any stage of our life. No matter how you think you have prepared for your financial uncertainties, a financial crisis can catch you totally off-guard. Especially from the result of lingering unemployment and a constant decline in your investment portfolio, or your business takes a major financial hit. "It" can be really costly.
"It" is the operative word. "It" could be a wondering spouse, a disobedient child, an unequally yoke relationship, or being underemployed or unemployed. "It" could be some type of career pressure, unfair treatment, inner peace, a mental health issue, and the list can go on and on. "It" could be anything that disturbs your peace and sense of well being.
I have some good news for you concerning, "IT." Whatever "IT" is, God can handle "IT." Did you know that the word "it" appears over 5,000 times in the King James version of the Bible? God isn't expecting you to handle everything. Some things He wants you to give to Him. Now, please don't get me wrong. There are some things that happens that God did not cause, but He allowed "it" to happen. And sometimes He allows more and more things to happen. Thus, "...My son don't be angry when the Lord punished you. Don't be discouraged when he has to show you where you are wrong. For when he punishes you, it proves that he loves you. When he whips you it proves you are really his child" (Hebrews 12:5b-7). Sometimes this becomes a great benefit for our character and our walk, because "it" becomes a great life lesson. We end up learning a great lesson, instead of receiving the victory in a particular situation.
There are somethings that you can't handle and those things you must give them to God. He does give us plenty of things that we can't handle on our own. "It" is not meant for us to handle on our own, because we are not self-sufficient. We can't do nothing on our own. When Jesus walked this dusty earth, he once said, "I can of myself do nothing" (John 5:30). Some battles are not ours to fight. In some cases, God tells us, "You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you" (2 Chronicles 20:17). We can't understand what's going on and why it is going on. We must always trust God and His purpose for our life. God will always prompt you when to move and when to be still. There will be times when you will be placed in a situation where you can't hide from your problem. You can't ignore the problem. You can't run from the problem. You must face the "it", endure "it", learn from "it", and grow from "it." In other words, you can't do nothing, but give "it" to God and let Him handle "it." Amen!