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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


The world is full of evilness. No, evil is not justifiable! Evilness is human malice. It is what humans causes others to go through because of their actions.

Evil is defined as the quality of being morally bad or something that causes harm or misfortune. Anything which impairs the happiness of someone or deprives someone of anything good. It's anything which causes suffering of any kind injury, mischief, or harm.

So, there I was feeling light-headed and dizzy. I was off-balanced and I couldn't understand what was wrong with me. I had woke up late, and I was out running some errands. Then I cried out, 'Lord, please help me." That's when He reminded me that I was physically running on empty. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. I was in an unfamiliar area of town, and I didn't want any food from a fast food chain, so I decided to drive around to find a nice eat-in restaurant. Bingo! Then I spotted a place and said, "This looks like a first class restaurant."

The name of this place was L.I.V.E. I wondered what that acronym meant. As I entered the restaurant, I realized that this was a very fancy joint, indeed. The hostess seated me, gave me the menu, and wanted to know did I want anything to drink. My reply, "water, no ice, with a lemon." I started browsing the menu. The menu was divided into six categories and was quite impressive:

Appetizers & Small Plates



Main Dish & Chief's Specials



When I looked up from the menu, I scouted someone giving me the "evil eye." That startled me. "Mmm, why such a hateful stare, when you don't know nothing about me? Then I started thinking, maybe that acronym of the restaurant, L.I.V.E. really means, spelled backward, E.V.I.L.

Isn't is amazing how the mind really works and how powerfully creative it is? The entire ambience of the restaurant changed in an instant. My brain went into creative overtime. Now the menu now looked totally uninviting. The place settings, sitting on its crisp white linen tablecloth, took on a different appearance, like something out of a horror movie.

When I reviewed the menu again, it read like a horror movie script. The menu offered a serving of a long list of ripping, gleaming, ghastly, grim, horror of evilness. The menu read like this:


APPETIZERS & SMALL PLATES: Sinful Cups of Heinous

Bacon Wrapped Jalapeno Poppers - seasoned with a glop of corruptness.

Crab and Lobster Stuffed Mushrooms - dipped in a can of hatefulness

Caprese Garlic Bread - marinaded with a pat of villainous

Spinach Artichoke Bites - dusted with a 1/2 cup of obscene

Goat Cheese Bites - sprinkled with morsels of revenge

Chicken Parmesan Sliders - dripped with dices of malice

Tuscan Sausage & Bean Dip - roasted with a dollop of outrage

PASTAS: Overcooked with Loathsome

Fettuccine Alfredo - cooked with a dash of harmful

Lasagna - pinched with a tidbit of hatefulness

Spaghetti with Italian Meatballs - cubed with pieces of jealousy

Spaghetti alla Carbonara - grated with scraps of spitefulness

Ravioli - roasted with a cupful of foulness

Gnocchi - steeped with crumbs of wickedness

Baked Ziti - browned with handfuls of ruthlessness

SIDES: Ingredients saturated with Malice

Sweet Potato mashed - whipped with loads of vile

Roasted Vegetables - sprinkled with a taste of wrongdoing

Loaded Baked Potato - baked with toppings of faithlessness

Creamed Spinach - creamed in nuggets of destructions

Chessy Bacon Butternut Squash - tossed in a jar full of killer instincts

Bacon Avocado Fries - pan fried with heaps of selfishness

Cauliflower Au Gratin - dressed with bites of perversity

Garlic-Parm Zucchini Saute' - saute'd in a bowlful of outrage

MAIN DISH & CHIEF'S SPECIAL: A plateful of All-Wrong and Unholy

Cardamon Maple Salmon - basted an added stick of mischief

Spicy Pork Tenderloin with apples - marinated with a plate of reprobate

Burmese Chicken Curry - braised with heaps of injurious

Venison Shepherd's Pie - drizzled with extra immorality

Sicilian Roasted Chicken - broiled with a scoop of repulsiveness

Spicy-Sweet Bacon Wrapped Shrimp - glazed with a tablespoon of mean spirit

BEVERAGES: Stirred, Mixed, Shaken, and Poured with Viciousness

By the time the waitress had arrived to my table to take my order, I was long gone. The Bible clearly tells us, "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." (Romans 12:21.

I am guessing that I didn't dress for success that day. I must have forgotten a piece of my wardrobe. For I truly know and understand, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (Ephesians 6:12)

The next time I will not forget to always be dressed to the nines by putting on the whole armor of God. "Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about you with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all taking he shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." (Ephesians 6:13-17)

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