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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


The word “mine” is used to refer to a thing or things belonging to or associated with oneself.

My grandson has just turned 2 years old and he has a new thing going on. Everything that is his, he makes sure that you understand that it belongs to him. If you touch his duckie, he will say, “mine”. If you touch his books, he will grab them from you and say, “mine”. When my son touches me, he will slap his hand and say, “mine”. Then my son turns to look at him and the tone of his voice changes and he will say, “she is my mother and she is “mine”.

To claim something of personal possession, is to say you own it. My grandson who is two, understands his possessions, his clothes, his toys, his books, even his grandmother. When I look at my grandson, I will touch him where his heart is and I will say, “mine”. He never denies it, he just looks at me with pure love in his eyes, acknowledging that he agrees. At two, he already understands what love is.

We as children of God are a possession of Christ. He looks at us and says, “MINE”. Jesus loves us and we belong to Him. He looks at us with adoring eyes and claims each one of us as His own.

Only the followers of Jesus have this confidence. In the Song of Solomon, we read, “My beloved is mine and I am his” (Song of Solomon 2:16).

Over and over in the Scripture, we are given the analogy of belonging to Christ. One analogy, God is like that of a bride to a husband and He reminds us of His affection and love toward us. Another analogy, we are like a sheep to a shepherd, and He reminds us of His constant care and he is aware where we are at all times (John 10). We are told in scripture, that we are his property. We read in 1 Corinthians 6:19, “you are not your own.” We are not our own property because we were bought with a price. We are the property of Jesus Christ.

Yes, God looks at us with absolute love and points at each of us and says, “YOU BELONG TO ME” - “MINE!!!!”

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