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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: May 2, 2020

Have you ever hurt so badly that you thought about giving up?

Have your heart ever been broken? A heart break is an

extremely painful experience. When it comes to a heartbreak,

there is nothing you can do. There is no medicine that you can

take to stop your heart from hurting. It could be the death of a

loved one, a divorce, a break-up, physical separation, betrayal, or

a romantic rejection, the loss is still painful.

There is nothing you can do to keep the tears from falling. When

your heart is broken, it can feel like the end of the world. No

amount of pain has ever felt so agonizing or concentrated. It's like

a giant hole was pummeled into your chest, with no hope of

repair. You cry, you scream, and yet nothing seems to soothe

and ease your heartbreak.

Our bodies literally exasperate the loss, because there’s no

greater pain than a heartbreak. The struggle is real and that’s the

price we pay for falling in love.

So how do you mend a broken heart? Through Jesus! The Bible

has many verses that can encourage and inspire, for the

brokenhearted. “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves

the crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18).

As for me, when I feel that I can’t make it another day, I simply

ask Jesus to throw me a Life-Line. He doesn’t just extend the

Life-Line, He sends me a Life Boat. He just doesn’t stop there,

He picks me up and puts me the Life Boat. He just doesn’t stop

there, He provides the paddles for the boat. He doesn’t stop

there, He stills the waters for smooth sailing, and grant me an

indescribable peace, while in the boat. He doesn’t just stop

there, He reassures me that all will be well with me. I have

realized that grief is the price that you pay for love. The more you

love, the bigger the heartbreak.

I don’t know who has broken your heart, or how painful your

heartbreak was or is, what I do know is that Jesus can and will

mend your broken heart.

Just think, the more people sin, the more Jesus heart breaks.

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