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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Have you heard of a "Fixed Fight?" What does a "Fixed Fight" means? A "fixed fight" is when the fighters, managers, promoters, and producers, have arranged for one of the fighters, to win, which means that both fighters are going along with the plan. The one who is supposed to lose does everything he can to lose and the other wins. It's rehearsed and planned that way.

Many of us are facing situations that appear to have come out of nowhere. The situation is insurmountable, and appears to be impossible to handle, and totally unavoidable. You have thought about every kind of scenario, to get a handle on it, but to no avail. You have prayed and prayed to God about it, but He hasn't answered your prayer. Now you feel like you are on the brink of losing your mind. Don't give up and don't let go. God did not allow this problem in your life to destroy you. God knows that you are going to win. The fight has been fixed! "Weeping may endure for a night, buy joy is coming in the morning." (Psalm 30:5)

When that plan was conceived to attack you, God already knew the outcome. You are just going through the motions, in the process of the battle. The battle has been already been won. This is a "Fixed Fight." God has fixed it for your good. God knew the the victory would be yours before the battle began.

You see the enemy only knows your past, he is always at a disadvantaged because he doesn't know your future. Your battle is with a creative being, like yourself. He is finite, he has a beginning and an ending. God has revealed to us his ending. God didn't keep his ending a secret. Everything about our future is hidden from the enemy, and he is angry about this. This is why he uses our past to torment us, because that's all he knows about us.

This situation, is temporary. God sees you, He hears your every moan, and He sees your tears. You are not forgotten. You think that nothing is happening and that God is silent, but He is at work. Whatever you are going through, and it may appear that the deck is stacked against you, just remember, its a "fixed fight."

There is a mighty heavenly army and that army is preparing the way for your victory. Those on your side are far more powerful, and they out-numbers those on the enemy's side. The enemy wants you to be in a state of confusion. Don't believe his lies.

Trust me, the fight has been fixed. Only God knows the ending. Every time Satan attacks a child of God, he has entered into a "fixed fight." It has been fixed by God, for your good and your victory, and trust me, God will get His glory.

Every time the devil thinks that you have been knocked down, God raises you back up again. The enemy doesn't understand. But how could he understand the power of love. He doesn't understand anything that is good. He can only comprehend everything and anything associated with darkness. The enemy wants to control your mind. When he is in charge, you will begin to think, I wouldn't be in this situation if only: If only I have more money; if only I had a better job; If only I could change my past; If only I had a better mate; and, if only I had the willpower. Please don't allow the enemy to make you play the blame game. The outcome has beed predetermined. The fight has been fixed, because it's a "fixed fight."

As long as we live in this sinful world, the enemy's job is to try to destroy all things of Jesus. Don't worry , as soon as the plan was formed for your attack, God's plan was sealed for your victory. His plan was to make you an overcomer. As a overcomer, you have already won the victory. From the get go, the enemy didn't know that he was the loser. That's why it is a "Fixed Fight."

It was a "Fixed Fight" when Adam and Eve was removed from the Garden of Eden. The enemy thought that he had won. When Jesus was born, died, resurrected, then ascended to heaven, victory for all mankind was accomplished. It was a "Fixed Fight."

Our all-knowing God, will always receive the victory, because it was fixed, for the good, before creation ever existed. Whatever the enemy set out to accomplished, it will fail. There are no surprises to God. God can't be blind-sided. Whatever battles you are facing, as a child of God, give your problem to God.

It doesn't matter how many times you get into a fight with the enemy, he doesn't give up easily, and he fights duty. The outcome is already determined. So please don't panic when the enemy throws his blows (the storms of life). Jesus said that you would have many troubles, but Jesus has already overcome the world.

This problem is only temporary. God never intended for you to fight this fight. This fight is too big for you. God has allowed this thing to happen. He wants you to know that this fight is really His fight.

It may look like you are outnumbered and unable to overcome what you are facing, but you already have the victory. This battle not yours, it's the Lord. So, claim your victory in the Lord. This battle is won, because it's a "Fixed Fight." Glory Hallelujah!

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