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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


We focus so much on the physical, we totally forget about the spiritual. Just like the body needs to be fed, so does the spirit. God is concern with our life, both physically and spiritually. God wants us to lead a good life, an abundant life. This is dependent upon our spiritual, mental and emotional health.

We are all guilty of choosing unhealthy diets. Although our goals are to maintain a healthy diet. We should desire healthy eating habits for our physical well being, but what about our spiritual well being?

Spiritual health is achieved when you feel at peace with your life. It is when you are able to find hope and comfort, even in the midst of the hardest times of our life.

God provides us with an “wilderness experience” to let us know that our spiritual health is starving. Like our physical health requires a healthy diet and exercise, our spiritual health requires feeding and maintenance. Our spiritual health requires prayer, study, meditation, and obedience. With this feeding process, our relationship with God through His word, worship, praise, and prayer provides nutrients to our spirit. In our worship and praise, we express our love and adoration to and for God.

Just like our bodies, if we starve the spirit, it will show. Just like our body gives signs that it needs nourishment, so does the spirit, and believe me, you will recognize the symptoms when someone is on a spiritual starvation. When your spirit is malnourished, your life is different. You become spiritually weak and the spiritual weakness appears as “SIN”. With sin comes anger, irritability, depression, discouragement, bitterness, hatred, resentment, despair, envy, jealousy, family conflict, arguing, competitiveness and self-centeredness.

God is our source for spiritual nourishment. God’s word is just important to our spiritual life as food is to our physical body. In John 6:26-27, Jesus tells us that what goes into the mind is far more important than what goes into the stomach. The quality of our mind is a major factor that determines the quality of our life.

We need spiritual food. This food cannot be purchased with money. This food can only be bought by dedication and commitment, when we submit to Christ. By being a living sacrifice in prayer, study, meditation, and obedience to God. A mind full of spiritual food will cause us to exhibit godly characteristics. Just like our bodies can’t live on junk food, neither can our spirit. The world produces spiritual junk food and spiritual garbage. Remember, garbage in, garbage out. Under God’s nourishment, we will prosper.

We are what we eat and we are also, what we spiritually eat.

Some of us are suffering from spiritual deprivation. Somebody needs a spiritual life-line. We need to call the doctor. Doctor, who? Doctor Jesus! Someone is in crisis and a major spiritual surgery is required. Doctor Jesus, please pass us some spiritual nourishment. Jesus is the Bread of Life. Lord, somebody needs to be SUPERSIZED!

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