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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Reprobation, in Christian theology, is a doctrine which teaches that a person can reject the gospel to a point where God in turn rejects them and curses their conscience, according to Wikipedia.

When a sinner is so hardened as to feel no remorse or misgiving of conscience, it is considered a sign of reprobation. It is not because of their wicked actions that God will not save them, but that God has withdrawn His offer of salvation, and He gives them over to a seared conscience and now they can do vile things. Those vile things, and the many different things are evidence of a reprobate mind.

The phrase "reprobate mind" is found in Romans 1:28, in referenced to those whom God has rejected as godless and wicked. "And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done."

God desires to save people. God is long suffering toward us. He desires that we all should repent of our sins. God doesn't desire that any of us should perish. God gives us "free will," and we have the right to pick and choose the way we want to live our life, and who we will serve. God recognizes that many will not repent and many will perish.

The doctrine of predestination to damnation is called the doctrine of reprobation. In Romans 1:28, is Paul's explanation that the Lord hands people over to a debased mind. These are people who refuse to have anything to do with the Lord, and they are handed over to their own idols. Now, an idol can be a religious image or a person who people admire and anything that they seem to worship (other that God). In other words, idolatry today could include, but not limited to, pursuing money, an unhealthy admiration, or anything that you elevate above God or give to God's rightful place in your life.

To acknowledge the Lord is to place Him at the center of your life and your affections, to be thankful to Him, and to worship Him.

The reprobate mind is given over to sinful passions and evil desires. They are set on satisfying every evil appetite and desire they have. This person who rejects God, serves themselves and they come under the condemnation of the Lord.

Those who have a reprobate mind, they know about God, but they live impure lives and they have no desire to seek after God, nor to please Him. They have rejected God and their mind cannot be renewed.

They also have rejected the belief in God and they do so of their own "free will." These people have made their choice and the Lord have rejected them. They have chosen to follow the darkness.

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