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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


God has so many names and many attributes. We as Christians have heard God referred to as “Abba Father”.

God’s title of “Abba Father” is only found in the Bible three times, in Romans 8:15, Mark 14:36, and Galatians 4:6, which are all in the New Testament. Only our Lord Jesus, and Apostle Paul have spoken these words, “Abba Father”.

Abba” is the defining term for father in the Aramaic language, spoken by Jesus and Paul as an intimate term to characterize their personal relationship with God.

Paul went from being a Christian hater to a lover of Christ. After encountering Jesus on the road to Damascus, Paul was blinded for three days. His blindness changed his whole perspective about Christ’s followers and His faith in God.

Jesus was God in the flesh. When Jesus called God “Abba Father” in the garden of Gethsemane in Mark 14:36, it was a way of acknowledging the power of God.

All of us was created in God’s image. As quoted in Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”

Knowing this, we as Christians have an unbreakable bond with God. We have a very special relationship with God and an intimacy that cannot be replicated with any other human. The Potter made the clay, that is us, and the making of us, He put time, attention, and love into us.

We are God’s children and one of His most significant name is “God our Father”. His most cherished attribute is “God is Love”. Why? Because He made us. If we owe our birth to our earthly father, how much more do we owe God for creating our whole person and creating it into His own likeness.

God wanted us to look like Himself. Something good and beautiful. An image that is distinct from any other, and yet unmistakably like the Original.

The Lord is our God; He created us, and we belong to Him; we are his people, the sheep he takes care of in his own pasture” (Psalm 95:7).

If our human parents dotes over us, how much more do you think that our heavenly Father dotes over us?

We belong to God. God loves us and we should love Him back. God cares for us and He takes care of us. God will never forget about us and we should never forget Him. God forgives us and He wants us to forgive others. Because we belongs to Him, He will correct us. He will test us. He will teach us. He will encourage us. He wants us to be perfect. He wants to feel proud of us.

What an absolutely, wonderful, and amazing Father that we have. Thank you “Abba Father”!

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