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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


An accomplishment is something that has been accomplished, achieved, carried out, or finished. The word achievement means about the same thing. Accomplish and achieve can be used as synonyms, but they sometimes imply different things. Achievements are any activity, action or task that is accomplished or attained successfully.

Many achievements can be personal, social, or professional. They can include entrepreneurial success, financial stability, a college degree, an advancement in a career, acquiring a good medical report, passing a test, etc.

Everybody have achieved some type of personal accomplishment. Whether finishing high school, college, getting your first job, running in a race, reaching a goal, or whatever goal that has been accomplished. But once you achieve the accomplished goal, you have this amazing feeling of being proud of yourself. Take a moment to think about what you felt most proud of accomplishing, over this past year. No matter what you accomplished, whether it was something small or large, it made you feel better about yourself.

We all set goals and as we look back on our lives, we remember those accomplishments with a sense of pride. As we reflect on those accomplished goals, please remember that we couldn't have completed none of them without God. It is He that orders our steps and comfort our heart. "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)

When setting our goals we always want to make sure that our goals align with God's will for us. We as Christians, find ourselves constantly challenged by this fallen world's values and ways. There are so many of life's issues that confronts us. We must continually walk faithfully before God. This is so important, because the spirit of this world distorts God's values.

Whatever goals we set to accomplish, as believers, we need to distinguish between true success, worldly success, and the motivation behind the purpose of the success, we are trying to accomplish. Is it personal or is it for the glory of God and for the building of His kingdom? Are you seeking a worldly prosperity and success or God's Kingdom prosperity and success?

The success and accomplishments that worldly people seek are temporal and they have no eternal value. True success and accomplishments have great eternal value.

What kind of accomplishments glorifies God? Fulfilling God's will in your life, glorifies God. Jesus is the perfect example of this. The accomplishment that glorified God was best demonstrated in the life of Jesus Christ. He fulfilled the perfect will of the Father, when He walked this dusty, sin filled earth. When Jesus lifted up His eyes to heaven to pray, He said, "I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with thy glory which I had with thee before the world was." (John 17:4-5)

Fulfilling God's will is the most important accomplishment of them all. It glorifies God to the fullest.

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