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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


“Jesus said unto him. If thou can't believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.”

Things do not come to us easily. God says that we have not because we ask not. But what happens when we ask, and it appears not to be forthcoming. What do we do, when we are waiting on God to answer our prayers? We must keep believing in God’s Word by faith. While we are waiting, God is working a power within us. He is developing us. God teaches us this way, through faith. He trains us to make room for faith, as we go through our trials of faith. Through trials of faith, He teaches us discipline through faith. Through discipline, He teaches us to take courage, in faith. Through courage, He shows us that there are many stages of faith.

Our faith is not great in the beginning, but through faith, we are made strong. How? Delaying the answers to our prayers is one way. During the delay, God is providing and pushing us into a spiritual growth and development. You are asking the question, for what reason? The answer maybe, for you to walk into your purpose. You see, where you are now, if you walk with God, you are not ready to handle what he has for you. God knows His purpose for you, but maybe you can’t handle it now, because he needs to develop something within you.

All of the great Biblical characters had to go through many trials before God revealed their purpose, their destiny. They had a baby faith in the beginning, but through many trials and much persecution, they became famous faith walkers: Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Paul, King David, just to name a few. Their road was not easy.

The Bible tells us that there are different levels of faith. Our faith is based on God’s promises. The one who truly believes and has faith will act on God’s Word, believing that God will answer our requests.

“All things are working for our good” Romans 8:28. Apostle Paul didn’t say that “some things” or “most things," but “ALL things” will work together for our good. From the smallest to the momentous; from the simplest to the most complicated; from the humblest events to the most shameful; from the mundane to the most difficult. All things “work," because they are working, not have worked, or shall work, but as working as the verb, that means it is in present operation.

Things are blending, weaving, intertwining, mixing into a harmonious pattern for us, to benefit us. Like a piece of machinery, twisting and turning, using nuts and bolts, with it’s gears churning, and various fixed and moving parts watching and developing your great plan. When finished, you will see how perfect the result is. The result here, is the lesson for faith. It doesn’t matter if there was one trial or one thousand, they work for your good.

God’s love permits the afflictions and His hand is guiding us to our unknown way. God knows our beginning and ending and His purpose for us, his grace will see us through, as our purpose unfolds.

Everything has a reason, every story may not be told, but “ALL” things are working for us, while our story is being told, and as it unfolds.

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