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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: May 2, 2020

Authenticity refers to the proven fact that something is legitimate or

real. Your authentic self goes beyond what you do for a living, what

possessions you own, or who you are to someone. It is who you are

at your deepest core.

It is about being true to yourself through your thoughts, words, and

actions, and having all of these areas match each other. If it was a

math equation, it doesn’t matter how many variations the equation

offers, the answer will be the same.

The definition of Christ-likeness is a person who has qualities like

Jesus Christ. Christ-likeness has the character traits of, kindness,

compassion, forgiveness, sincerity, caring, loving, committed

gentleness, patience, self-control, humbleness, and prayerfulness.

Becoming Christlike is the result of surrendering to God. Romans

8:29 says, “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be

conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn

among many brethren.” This means that we were predestined to be

conformed to the likeness of Jesus. Making us Christlike is God’s

work, and He will see it through, to the end. Romans 12:12 tells us

that worship involves a total self-dedication to God. We give God, our

body and mind, as a living sacrifice.

As a child of God, your authentication will always be tested. No

matter what life may throw your way, the outcome must be the same.

You must always present yourself as His child. When life throws

indifference at you, you react with compassion. When life throws

harshness at you, you should react with gentleness. When anger is

thrown your way, you return meekness. When presented with

disrespect, you present reverence. When deception is served to you

on a silver platter, you serve truthfulness. When the curve ball of

impurity is thrown at you, you hit the ball with virtue.

The test for authenticity is often measured by applying some kind of

force or foreign substance to that which is being tested. In testing

gold for its authenticity, tests are done. Determining whether

something is made of real gold can be accomplished in a number of

ways, but the most simplest way is to rub the gold on an unglazed

ceramic dish. The color of the mark left on the plate will determine the

authenticity of the gold. Real gold will leave a gold mark. Fake gold

will leave a black mark. There are other tests to authenticate gold.

Any signs of discoloration, indicates that its fake gold. If gold is too

shiny, too yellow, the gold is impure. The purity hallmark test, test

whether the gold is twenty-four carats, eighteen carats, or fourteen

carats. You should see “999” or “24k” somewhere on the gold. If it’s

less than “10k” then it’s not pure gold.

As a Christian, you are real, that’s one hundred percent, or you are fake,

because ninety-nine and a half percent, won’t do. You are either

authentic or you are not. You can fool man, but you can’t fool God.

Sometimes in our lives, God will often put us through the authenticity

test. We will be put through these tests several times and some of us,

daily. How we react to these tests is another matter. What mark will

you leave when tested? Like gold, will you be “24k”, “18k” or “14k”.

Remember anything less than “10k” is fake. If we are an authentic

Christian, what will the mark that we leave, look like? I hope that it is

the true mark of Christ.

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