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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


When you travel on an airline, they will notify you about their Baggage Policy and any applicable fees. Most airlines will permit a carry-on piece of luggage that cannot exceed 45 linear total inches and a carry-on weight limit of 40 pounds. Carry-on is considered, one piece of luggage and one personal item. Any other luggage must be checked-in. Bags are weighed at check-in and many airlines have placed bag sizers at their gates. If any luggage exceeds 50 pounds, a fee will be applied.

There is physical baggage and there is emotional baggage. Apostle Paul tells us in Philippians 3:13-14, “I have not reached perfection, but I do practice one principle: forgetting about what remains in the past and stretching toward the future, I press on toward the future. I press on toward a better goal which is the biggest prize of all: the high calling of God in Jesus Christ.”

Everyone carries emotional baggage from their past. Instead of letting go of some baggage, we continue to fill our luggage with emotional ghosts. Memories and unresolved negative emotions keep weighing us down and causing our baggage, our luggage to get heavier and heavier. They become ghosts of our pasts that continue to haunt us.

So many times we hold on to pain, doubt, guilt, shame, anger, fear, and insecurities. They become like a noose around our necks. That luggage and baggage keeps getting heavier and heavier. We just keep adding to it and never removing any of it. We open the baggage up to try to discord some things, but all we do is just re-compartmentalized them. When that piece becomes full, we simply throw another piece on top of that piece.

We are holding on to so much stuff that we have now become hoarders. An emotional hoarder, hoarding all kinds of stuff, feelings, grudges, negative emotions, and pain.

Maybe, we are hiding behind some of this extra baggage, because of inadequacies and insecurities. We find it difficult to break old habits and mindsets.

The Holy Spirit is trying to get us to let go, but we just keep holding on to them. Why? Maybe, we have a lack of trust. Maybe, because we lack the faith that is needed to fully trust God. Do we really believe through faith? Do we really and truly trust God? Faith is not something tangible to be taken like medicine. It is an attitude of trusting and believing. Faith is not stored like money in a bank. Faith is a constant process of renewing our trust in Jesus, everyday. Our ability to believe is a gift from God. If you really believe, then let go and let God. Yes, Satan will rear his ugly head to remind us about that baggage that we are holding on to called fear, anger, bitterness, and jealousy. How can we walk into our purpose holding on to this baggage? This baggage is standing between us and our spiritual freedom and spiritual growth.

Those baggages are now too large to be carry-on pieces. Those suitcases have come with a cost and it has cost us plenty. Those baggage of resentment and discontentment is a check-in piece. That baggage of doubt and distrust, is a check-in piece. That baggage of lost dreams and insecurities, is also a check-in piece. That baggage of uncertainty about the future is a check-in piece. That baggage of regrets and mistakes, is a check-in piece. Those baggages have gotten so heavy that they have exceeded their total weight capacity. Aren’t you tired yet? Check-in all of those baggage pieces, by turning them over to God. Don’t worry about its weight, God will not charge you an overweight fee. God will fly those baggage to an unknown destination, to never be remembered and felt again.

For now on, when traveling through life, we only need a carry-on bag. We will need a carry-on bag of joy, a duffel bag of hope, a backpack of love, or an overnight bag of peace.

While on route to your destination, God is saying to us, that only carry-on bags of freedom, victory, and His purpose is allowed.

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