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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: Feb 16, 2021

There will be times that you will be confronted with a troubling situation. You may not know how to handle it. You may pray about it, over and over again. When I was confronted with a troubling situation, during my “quiet time” with God, He simply told me to “be still.” It’s difficult to “be still," when someone is trying to taunt you and trying to get into your head. Your old-self is asleep, but not dead, and I refused for her to rise up. You try hard not to do something that you may regret later. I remember when I wanted to react, or maybe just act-out, God kept saying to me, “Be Still.” Then I remembered, obedience is better than sacrifice. Whatever is going on, when it is resolved, I know that the outcome will reflect God’s glory.

You know it’s almost impossible to rescue a drowning person who is trying to help their rescuer. While trying to rescue someone from drowning, there is a possibility that you may drown yourself. So, it is hard for the Lord to fight our battles for us when we try to fight them ourselves. Our interference hinders His work. Spiritual forces cannot work while earthly forces are active.

Sometimes, it takes God, some time, to answer prayers, but sometimes we fail to give Him the chance. We think that we can handle it better than He can.

It takes time for a flower to bloom. It takes time to bake a cake. There is a process for everything. Bread doesn’t just appear on the grocery self, like abracadabra, a magic trick. The farmer has to till the soil, soften it, and enriches it. The farmer harvest the wheat. Then the grain is taken to the mill to be ground into flour. Once the flour is created, the flour is transported to the bakery, baked, then packaged, to be brought to the stores. There is a process for everything and there is a process for answered prayers.

Everything worth having is worth waiting for. So, we sow, and we till, and we wait, and we trust, just trust God. “Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord” (Exodus 14:13).

God kept telling me to “Be Still.” I realized that I couldn’t fix the situation nor could I change it. It was in God’s hands. I was in a situation, where I couldn’t retreat, I couldn’t go forward, I wouldn’t dare think about going backwards. I couldn’t move to the right and I couldn’t move to the left. What was there left for me to do? God kept telling me to, “Be Still," but my inner self was making suggestions.

Despair whispered, “Do something, God is too slow”. But Love was saying, “God would want you to put on courage”. Even in our worst times, He still reminds us to love.

Cowardice was saying, “Go back to your old self and show them who they are messing with.” But Faith was telling me, you cannot, you must be patient and lean on Jesus.

Precipitancy cried out, “What, you are not going to do anything? Don’t just stand there and allow them to get away with this!” But Righteousness shouted, “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31). Presumption boasted, “What, are you expecting a miracle?” But perseverance told me, “Don't listen to presumption, despair, nor cowardice, but just hear God.” God was saying to me, “Be Still!"

“Be Still” said, “keep the posture of an upright person, being ready for God’s action, expecting to receive your orders from God, being cheerful and patiently waiting on a Word from God.”

I knew that God would answer my prayers and He took care of the problem for me. I knew that God was telling me to wait, and to "be still." I knew that I needed to wait, in season and out of season. I knew that I just needed to “Wait and Be Still.”

In times of uncertainty, wait, If you have doubts, wait. BE STILL AND WAIT ON THE LORD!

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