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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


We as children, we have always believed in something. Childhood is a time of pure innocence. When we were kids, it was easy to believe a lot of things that people told us. As a child you believed in The Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, Fairy tales, Magical Dragons, Leprechauns, etc.

As you grew-up, you realized and accepted that they weren’t real, they were just fantasies and fairy tales with an EXCEPTION.

The exception is, if you lived in a Christian home, and you were introduced to Jesus, we as adults know that He is real. JESUS is no fairy tale nor fantasy.

We know that Jesus is the real thing and that He is the real deal. I am not talking about a Coca-Cola or Evander Holyfield commercial, with the earthly title of “the real thing” or “the real deal”. Oh no! God is the real thing and the real deal, ALL in one package. No debates and it’s not open for discussion. The case is closed and it’s settled.

1 Corinthians 13:11 says, “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I though as a child; but when I became a man (woman), I put away childish things.”

As an adult, it is Christ who I live for and not for myself. I know that it is my acceptance of Christ, which will grant me eternal life in heaven. My belief in Christ and the price He paid for me on the cross, has marked me with a seal, and that seal is my ticket, my postage stamp, my postmark, that catapults me from earth, to the grave, unto my heavenly home. My seal, my pre-paid postage, has a stamp that says, “Express Mail” and “Fragile”. It’s stamped as, “This precious cargo belongs to Jesus, The Christ, please handle with care.”

For Christ, I live and for Christ, I die. I am standing in the faith, that I have in Jesus. Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ all around me, and Christ above me.

My belief, is my ticket to heaven. Do you have your ticket?

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