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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Why do people say they can't do something? What does it really mean when someone say they can't do something? My grandson says it repeatedly, especially when he doesn't want to do something. People uses all types of examples of "I can't:"

I can't get up that early.

I can't try new ways to do things.

I can't learn a new skill.

I can't get in shape.

I can't get our of this bad marriage or relationship.

I can't break through this wall.

Of course the "I can't" can go on and on, endlessly. The "I can't" sometimes really means, "I don't want to."

There are times we believe in our inability to do somethings. We refuse to try and we refuse to learn something new, because of the perception of it being difficult or impossible. For some, "I can't," becomes our first nature. When it comes to the church, the "I can't" are limitless:

I can't sing.

I can't usher.

I can't attend Bible Study.

I can't afford to tithe.

I can't attend Sunday School.

The "I can't" is Satan's way of projecting in us, "self-defeat."

What, if you lived in the land of "I CAN?" Paul stated, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13). Supposed Paul had stopped when he said, "I can do all things." If the period had come at that point, these five words would have shown Paul's own ability to do something, through conceit, deceit, and falsehood. Paul being inspired by God, completed the sentence, "through Christ who strengthens me."

Paul tells to us, that both Christ and the believer have a part to play in conquering those difficult circumstances. As believers in Christ, we must declare a "I can," attitude and move forward to face the problems head-on. It is then that Christ steps in and strengthens us. Christ infuses strength in us, where we are weak. The key here is, God steps in when our strength is no longer sufficient. It is then that He is able to demonstrate His wonderful love and care for our well being.

"Can Do Power" is God being able to deliver us, not by us, but through us. To say, "I can do all things through Christ," is an affirmation that the power of God rest in you. If you are in the fellowship of the Spirit of God, then you are connected to the power source that is God. Those of us who resides in the "Can Do Power" kingdom, are to let others know that the source of our strength comes from God.

So many of God's children are like a thermometer, sometimes at a constant set temperature. They are just comfortable on operating on that same level and they are not going to change anything. Some of God's children keep adjusting their thermometer, one day they are up and the next day they are down. Paul has testified to us that Jesus' power works when we are challenged by circumstances. Once we become challenged, we must not doubt the power of God, but must accept the fact that our will must line up with His will.

It was "can do power" that lead Moses across the Red Sea. It was "can do power" that led Noah to build the Ark. It was "can do power" that led Paul to present the "good news" of the gospel to the gentiles. It was "can do power" that took Joshua to the Promised Land. It was "can do power" that raised Lazarus from the dead. It was "can do power" that early one Sunday morning, Jesus walked out of that borrowed tomb with all power in heaven and earth in His hands.

"Can Do Power" is God working in us, strengthening us to face whatever we are confronted with. "Can Do Power" is a mindset in God. "For we walk by faith and not by sight." God's enables our faith to develop legs, to move. "Can Do Power" has a voice. It speaks all things positive and not anything negative. We believe in the power of God and we are never alone when calamity strikes. "Can Do Power" makes us examples of God's power, His presence in our lives in everything we do. As God's examples, we can influence others to seek God and His righteousness.

I can't is a mentality that produces fatality. I can't loses all hope for a Christ like life. I can't is a choke hold that will eventually strangle its victim. I can't is self-defeat before you even make an attempt.

I can is "can do power," it means that you are standing on the promises of God. "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." What power are you operating on?

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