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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: May 3, 2020

The Christian’s journey isn’t easy. We are always faced with many trials in our lives. In this journey, the roads are not always smooth. Some roads will be smoothly paved, while others will be challenging. Some roads may feel like you are walking on uneven dirt. Some roads may feel like you are walking on very uncomfortable gravel. Some roads may appear to be smooth, but you may have to stop to kick some rocks out of your path, along the way. Maybe, every once in a lifetime, you may cross a road with a huge, unbelievable boulder, blocking your way. This boulder can’t be removed, you just have to find a way to go around it.

Life itself, will present you with what you think are some of the most unbearable trials. There will be trials that you don’t think, that you can make it through, but you will, and you can.

These trials are to test your faith, to see whether or not it is strong and pure. All believers will face these trials, because we are letting our light shine into the darkness.

We must accept these trials as part of the refining process that burns away impurities, that is preparing us to meet Christ. As gold is heated, impurities float to the top, and can be skimmed off. Steel is tempered or strengthen by heating it in fire. Likewise, our trials, struggles, and persecutions, strengthens our faith and make us useful to God.

Some of these trials may seem totally unbearable, but God will always see us through them. You may feel like a punching bag when it’s over, but that’s okay. When all of this is over, there will be nothing compared to the treasures in heaven that God has prepared for us.

As a child of God, some trials may knock us down, but God will always help us to get up.


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