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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Common courtesy is the politeness you expect from someone. Please, thank you, excuse me, and sorry are just a few examples.

You don't cut in line. You don't sneak more items in the 10 or less check-out line. You don't cut off people while driving. You don't swear at them while driving or anywhere else. If you promised to do something, then you do it.

Common courtesy would be showing someone respect. It is basic respect. It is not a favor or a nice gesture. Sometimes common courtesy is synonymous with etiquette or manners.

The short of it, Common Courtesy is (and this is a short list):

* Show respect for others.

* Apologize when you do something wrong.

* Don't interrupt someone while talking.

* When you change your plans, let others know.

* Respect the needs of others in public.

* Never embarrass another person.

* Respect your elders.

* Use good table manners.

* Respect other people's property.

* Teach your children, "Common Courtesy."

1 Corinthians 14:40 says, "Be courteous and considerate in everything." The Bible provides many positive commands by which Christians are to live. For example:


It was said that a man lived by his word, "A man's word is his bond." Many have struck a deal with handshake.


If you promise someone that you will be somewhere and at a certain time, be there. There are some people you can set your watch to and then you have those that are consistently late. They are consistently late for work, church, school, meetings, etc. Lateness affects your credibility.


Two of the most forgotten words of the English language are "thank you." Why do so many people take for granted that whatever kindness is afforded to them, they believe somehow it is owed to them?

Not saying "thank you," bothered Jesus too. Ingratitude is a sin. After Jesus had healed the ten lepers, only one returned to express his gratitude. Jesus asked, "Where are the nine." (Luke 17:17)

Common sense principles are common courtesy principles and should be displayed in everyone's life, especially a Christian. Every child of God should at least try to be the very best person that they can be.

"Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preferences to one another." (Romans 12:10)

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