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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


The definition of a consoler is one who gives consolation. The word consolation is a great word and one which we should all be familiar with. Consolation is what loving friends do to provide someone that they care about, those that are going through a time of pain, loss or is discouraged.

Have you hear the cliche', "things always will work out?" Life just doesn't appear to be fair. We know that in trusting in God, "things will work out," but many times not as we expect them to.

We as humans, bear many burdens. Life will involves some suffering and some sorrows. The troubles of your heart just seems to multiply. There are times when you have reached your last straw. Sometime you will feel like you just are falling apart. There are times when it seems like you have come to the end of your rope and are out of options. You are in that place where you are now emotionally scarred and full of anguish. Maybe you are facing some turmoil, trouble, or tribulation. Maybe you have been wounded and something or someone has broken your heart.

All you have to do is cry out to God and just talk to Him. Don't be afraid to shout or weep. Do you know that we have a Consoler In-Chief? Yes, we do! Let me introduce to you our Consoler In-Chief, the Holy Spirit. The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit is our Counselor, Helper, Advocate, Gift-Giver, Comforter, and our Consoler.

The Holy Spirit acts as our Counselor. He secures our place in heaven and He directs us here on earth. He convicts us of the sin in our hearts. He is our Helper that teaches us, reminds us, and guides us. He helps us in our weakness and intercedes for us.

When we are unsure of our paths in life, the Holy Spirit, our Counselor will be there to help us. He indwells in us. He guards and guarantees the salvation of the ones He indwells. He assists us in our prayers and intercedes for us, in accordance with the will of God.

The Holy Spirit is also a Gift-Giver. There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Holy Spirit will distributes them. Those gifts are the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, increased faith, the gifts of healing, the gift of miracles, prophecy, the discernment of spirits, diverse kinds of tongues, and interpretation of tongues (1 Corinthians 12).

The Holy Spirit is our Comforter and Consoler. Whatever we are going through, He is there to comfort and console us through every inevitable sorrows of life. Jesus describes the Holy Spirit as, "the Spirit of Truth." He consoles us not with the pleasures of the flesh, but with the truth.

God wants us to be holy and walk in His ways, rather than the world's. Our thought, moods, and feelings that come when we are influenced by the things of the world, moves us away from God, but the Holy Spirit refocuses us spiritually and moves us toward God.

No matter what we may go through in this life, we know or should know, God's comfort is revealed to us in Jesus Christ and is confirmed by the Holy Spirit. God offers us complete consolation even in a troubled and confused world.

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