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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Displeasure, dissatisfaction, disgruntlement, bitterness, resentment, uneasiness, the blues, dejection, depression, despondency, downheartedness, dreariness, the dumps, sadness, sorrow, plain outright summed all in one word, “DISCONTENTMENT.”

DISCONTENTMENT! A sense of grievance. A restless desire or craving for something that you do not have. A longing for something to happen. “DISCONTENTMENT!” A lack of satisfaction with one’s possessions, status, or situation.

We have all heard the saying over and over again, “that money can’t buy you happiness.” In our moments of discontent, we wish we can test that theory. The Bible clearly tells us, “Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5)

We all struggle with being satisfied with our current situation. I am struggling now, as I wait on God to answer my prayer. So what is the cure for “Discontentment”? The answer is “gratitude," and having an attitude of gratitude. Thanking God for everything, the good and the bad. Apostle Paul says in Philippians 4:11, “Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.”

When Paul penned those words above, he was in prison. So how could Apostle Paul be sitting in a dreadful place like prison, suffering and say, “in whatever situation I am, to be content? Paul was keeping his eyes on the prize and the Prize was Jesus Christ, which was the secret to Paul’s contentment.

When we are in “discontentment”, we grumble and complain. We start sulking, and with me on some occasions, I will go stomping around the house with my lips poked-out.

Just think about some of those gifts you received over the years. Some of them were crappy and some of them were great, but you still thanked the giver for the gift. Right?

God is our very good Giver for every gift that He gives us. We should thank Him for every occasion, in every situation.

When we are thankful, thankfulness changes our attitude and our outlook on life. We must always keep our spiritual eyes on the Prize, because when we look away, and look at what it looks like, what we start pondering on, is what we will perceive. We will become discontent because, we will start meditating on the wrong things, and these things will weigh us down, and will lead to frustration. Discontentment cannot coexist with humbled thankfulness.

We should always be thankful to God, day and night, for all things, the good and the bad, because God allowed it to happen. If He brought it to you, He will see you through it. Keep your eyes on the Prize, by fixing your eyes on Jesus. Jesus is the recipe for contentment.

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