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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: May 9, 2020

In today’s time with modern technology, it is easier to send an email than to write a letter. Matter-of-fact, letter writing is a rarity in this Internet age. This world is dominated by texts and email and social media. Holiday cards are replaced by Facebook posts and invitations are received and sent via e-vite. For immediate attention or communication, a text or email is the perfect form of communication. Have you ever received an email that was marked, “Do Not Reply”? A no reply email is an email address that is not monitored and blocks customers from replying. Sometimes a person or people get so caught up in life and things in this life, that they will have the tendency to “X” everything important out of their lives, including Jesus. Jesus loves us and He will use every method and opportunity to get our attention, to bring things, and Himself back to our remembrance. Imagine, God sending a wayward child this email, and it’s marked “Do Not Reply”: Hello My Child, if you are receiving this email, that means that you are entering into a reprimand stage and you are beyond excuses. You see, I made you in my image, not in the image of an animal, or a bird, or a fish, but MY image. When I made you, I gave you the possessions of rationality, morality, spirituality, and the capacity to relate to ME and with your counterparts. Your body is for living a meaningful life that glorifies ME as MY image-bearer. I gave you a body that has a dynamic framework of bone and cartilage that is called a skeleton. Your body has an automatic thermostat that takes care of both your heating and cooling systems, keeping your body temperature at an average of 98.7 F. I gave you a brain with a complex computer system that computes and sends throughout your body billions of bits of information, information that controls every action you make, right down to the flicker of your eyelash. The sounds that you hear in your ear, is being played on a perfect little musical instrument inside of your ear. Your heart actually is a muscular pump forcing blood through thousands of miles of blood vessels. The blood carries food and oxygen to every part of your body. I gave you your body, in my own image, to glorify ME and to represent ME, and only ME. When you act-out and show-out, you dishonor ME. I gave you your hands, to lend a helping hand, not to hurt or destroy. I gave you your ears, to listen to my Word and the cries of others in need, not to entertain unholiness. I gave you a voice to speak my Word, to encourage, and to sing MY praises, not to speak of wickedness. I gave you your eyes, to see the beauty of mankind, to read MY Word, not to explore abomination. I gave you your legs, to walk upright in MY eyes, in the path I chose for you, not for you to deviate from them, not to run toward immorality. I gave you your heart, to love one another, not to practice and participate in hateful and cruel acts. With that heart of yours, you have broken MY heart. You should have been thankful for the blessings that I bestowed upon you, but you are not. You should have been thankful for the doors that I opened for you, but you are not. You should have been thankful for the food that I provided for you; for your clothing, your shoes, and the roof that I gave to you, but you are not. You should have been thankful for every mountain that I brought you over and every trial that I saw you through, but you are not. You are the most ungrateful creation that I created. I just wanted you to know, that you are completely unappreciative of ME and what I have done for you. I don’t need for you to provide me with any more unsubstantiated excuses. PLEASE, “DO NOT REPLY”!

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