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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


I know that you have heard the phrase, “Doing Your Own Thing.” Young people that are still living at home, have the tendency to pout and say, “I just want to live my own life and do my own thing.” I believe that you can do your own thing and live your own life when you start paying your own mortgage or rent.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the Hippies develop a counter-cultural movement that rejected the mores of mainstream American life. The movement originated on college campuses in the United States and spread to other countries. The name Hippy derived from the word “hip”. This group began to present us with a subjective behavior, “doing your own thing.”

“Doing your own thing” means to do something without help. To fend for yourself. To go solo. To stand alone and stand on your own two feet. To do something of your own accord, even if it means that there is the possibility of sinking.

We can’t do anything on our own. God is our Sustainer, Protector, and Provider. When you try to eliminate God out of your life, then you have committed spiritual suicide. You become spiritually bankrupt and your life will be filled with nothing but chaos. You will be in the wilderness and drowning in the quicksands of evilness.

In the Book of Judges, there was a period of total national corruption and confusion. Do this sound like today? “In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes” Judges 21:25.

The whole picture is very sad. Israel had set aside the principles that were so important to GOD. There was no regard for God. No regard for God’s law and no regard for others. They were all about themselves. They were just “doing their own thing.” Everybody did as they saw fit in their own eyes. That means, “That Anything Goes.”

This is happening to us now? Everybody is doing their “own thing” as if God doesn’t exist and He can’t see. They are doing their “own thing” in any and every way that they can. They don’t care who they step on or who gets hurt.

These are some dark times. We are faced with problems, problems, and more problems. We have problems at home. We have problems on the job. We have problems in the church. There are drug problems and political problems. Everybody wants to be the captain of their own ship. People are all about me, myself, and I. It is all about self and a self-centered lifestyle.

Do you know what the problem is? The problem is a “SPIRITUAL” one. We need to get back to God and our spiritual foundation. That is where we got off track and that is where our problems began. We saw in the Book of Judges what happened when you suffer from spiritual bankruptcy. We are suffering from a very surreal bankruptcy today and it is Spiritual.

We need God! We need God’s rules! We need to seek God and worship Him! We need to return to the church and be obedient to the Word of God!

We don’t need to be “doing our own thing," but doing the “right thing” in the eyes of God.

Paul has warned us, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world but be a new and different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think. Then you will learn from your own experience how his ways will really satisfy you” Romans 12:2.

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