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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: Feb 16, 2021

When people look at you, their first impression of you are probably based on what you are wearing. Then they start assuming or accessing, what type of person you are. If you are dressed to the nines, they immediately classify you as someone important or someone of means. But supposed you are dressed in your house clothes and suddenly needed to run a quick errand, you maybe mistaken as a homeless person. You maybe looking so badly that someone maybe ready to offer you an immediate donation. Hence, don’t look at what it looks like.

I have know some of the wealthiest people, that may look like they are ready to stand on the street with their sign reading, “I will work for food.” I praise God, that when he looks at me, from the outside, that He isn’t looking at what it looks like. “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his statue..For the Lord see not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” Samuel 16:7.

God sees my heart and knows me intimately. I am not what I wear. I am more than what I wear. I am a child of the Living King. Case in point, when my son was little, I had just got off from work. When I got home, I changed my clothes to a housedress ( that was probably something that looked so badly, that you wouldn’t be caught dead in, out of the house). I realized by the time I had changed my clothes, that there was nothing ready for me to cook, because everything was frozen. I jumped in the car to run to a fast food place and while in route, I ran out of gas, in the middle of the street. There I was in a raggedy housedress with a head full of rollers and a small child, looking desperate and thrown away. This was before the cellphone era. Do you know that not a single person stop to assist me. Why? Maybe, because I looked like the “bag lady.” I had to go inside of the store to call my husband, who was at work, in order to get help.

We are all the same in God’s eyes. God says that we are sinners saved by grace. Some of us have arrived (or we think that we have), and have lifted ourselves up because of where you are in life, socially and economically.

People have the tendency to look down on certain people. They look down on other people because they compare them to themselves. They look at their possessions, their social status, their looks, their intellect. People see what they want to see, but they don’t realize that they have a false sense of superiority.

God warns us to never look down on people. The Bible tells us not to judge, and you want be judge. My mother would say, “what goes up, must come down.” You can think that you have it all today, but you could lose it all by tomorrow. So, never look at what it looks like.

Those who are down now, are children of God. Isaiah 53:2 says, “…He had no stately form or majesty to attract us, no beauty that we should desire Him”. He was despised and rejected by men. He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows. His punishment bought us peace. He was oppressed and afflicted, and lead like a lamb to slaughter. Did you think that was a description of a homeless person? No, the bible was describing Jesus. This depicts a homeless person with no rights and no representation. Jesus, in his journey, was homeless and broke and if you had seen Him, you would have probably tutted your nose at him and dismissed Him as nothing and nobody. Don’t look at what it looks like!

We all use to be something else, at one time of our lives. We were not born into old money nor a silver spoon in our mouths. One of those you looked down on, could have been an angel. After all the bible tells us to not forget to entertain strangers, for by doing so, some have entertained angels. That little boy who is selling water at the corner for a dollar. The homeless who just want a bite to eat. The children at school who can’t afford their lunch. Our senior citizens who can’t afford to purchase their prescriptions. Jesus is all around us, but we keep missing him, because we are looking at what it look like or should look like.

You have to be careful as you go through life, because those little people that you know, knows somebody who knows you, that can put you through. Those people that you think that can’t fight, have a warrior whose name is Jesus Christ. Those people that you treat like dogs, knows someone with a huge bite. So never kick a man because he is down because God will allow him to rise-up and God will kick you to the ground.

Remember, what goes around, comes around.

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1 Comment

Aug 05, 2020

Yes ma’am, If people stop comparing themselves to others....they won’t feel greater than nor less than.

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