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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


My child why do you keep looking back at what's behind you? Behind you is just what it is, "behind you." There is no future looking back. Thee is only pain, hurt, discomfort, and misery. Why do you want to bring them forward? Constantly looking back will keep you from moving progressively forward.

It's okay to look back at the amazing and awesome things in your past. To acknowledge your accomplishments, the wonderful times when you traveled the world or on one of your perfect vacations. The fun memories of family, the birthday celebrations. The exciting and memorable family reunions.

Its okay to look back on all the good and wonderful things in your life that you are proud of. But what happens when you look back on the troublesome and problematic things?

Have you reached a stage in your life and you review your past not been successful or a failure? If the answer is yes, then don't look back, because this will prevent you from moving onward and forward.

When you focus too much on the past, it can cause you to go in a different direction, you don't desire. You are on the right track, but that one thing that went wrong keeps haunting you like a horrible nightmare and fear immobilizes you. It wasn't the right timing then, and now is now.

When you continue to look behind you, you will tend to lose your focus. You know, our focus can become kind of funny at times. We have the tendency to move toward what we focus on. So when you are focused on the past, guess what happens? You will take your eyes off your future. That's what happens when you are so focused on the past.

Sometimes its hard to shift our focus from the past to the future. I have been there and done that and I sometimes find myself visiting where I shouldn't. But I don't linger there anymore, because some memories are painful and why do I want to punish myself, over and over again. I only visit, to remind myself not to repeat the mistake. Through the help of God, I no longer play the "blame game." God has delivered me from that. I now look at my mistakes as a life lesson, only to do better and be better.

When you keep looking back at your past failures and mistakes, the enemy is robbing you of God's joy and peace.

Remember the story of Lot's wife. She looked back at Sodom and Gomorrah, and what happen? She was turned into a pillar of salt. She was warned to run for her life and "not look back." Lot's wife didn't listen. "And he over threw those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground. But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt." (Genesis 19:25-26)

Lot's wife turned back to look at the smoldering city of Sodom. Clinging to the comforts of the past, she was unwilling to turn completely from sin. Don't allow the same thing to happen to you, because God has shaped who you are today, and He has mapped out your tomorrow.

When I look at my past now, I no longer think about words I shouldn't have said, or actions I shouldn't have taken, nor mistakes I shouldn't have made. I no longer look at betrayals by family or friends.

I look at my past as a learning experience and the insight that was gained. Only God could have gotten me here, to this place, at this point in my life. I no longer beat myself up about my past failures and mistakes. I celebrate myself and I appreciate what I have learned.

Those roadblocks has become my stepping stones that have motivated me to move forward. I only look back to acknowledge all the milestones and many steps I have taken and how I progressed, evolved, and changed. God was the key for me to feel empowered and encouraged.

So it doesn't matter how many times you look back, nothing has changed and there isn't nothing new to see. Please stop looking back, because your blessings, healing and miracles are ahead of you. Stop looking back, because you can't change a thing. Stop looking back, because your best life is ahead of you. Thank your past and let it go.

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