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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: May 3, 2020

What does it mean to be exclusive? In the simplest terms, being exclusive can be defined as an agreement between two people that neither of them is pursuing another. God’s Exclusivity Agreement with us is found in Exodus 20:3, “You shall have no other gods before me.” It would seem that anyone who understands just who God is would have no trouble putting Him first in their lives. God is the Creator and we are His creation. He not only created us, but formed us, shaped us, and molded us, in His image and we were made to serve Him. It’s just that simple. There is nothing mind blowing about it. So why do we want to take something simple and make it complicated? Why do we, as humans, have the propensity to alter what is already perfect? Why do we lean to those things that are contrary to God? There is no substitution for God. The statistics of mankind searching for other gods and other religions are staggering. God is our Creator and Redeemer, “For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; he is to be revered above all gods” (Psalm 96:4). Seeking other gods, didn’t just start with our generation, it has been ongoing, even back in biblical times. People are just committing Spiritual suicide. May I share this true story with you? In 1 Samuel, beginning at the fourth chapter, the Philistines had just defeated Israel and the Ark of the Lord was captured by the Philistines. The Philistines like their heathen neighbors, worshiped many idol gods. Dagon was their chief god. They believed that this god sent rain and a plentiful harvest. The more gods they had, the more secure they felt. The Philistines took the Ark of God and placed it in the temple of their idol God, Dagon. When they captured the Ark of the Lord, that was a feather in their cap. They had heard about the God of the Israelites and his awesome powers, but once they captured the Ark, that didn’t mean anytime to them. The next morning, when the local citizens went to see the Ark of the Lord, Dagon had fallen down with his face to the ground before the Ark. He didn’t just fall down, God knocked him down. They sat him back up again, but the next morning the same thing happen, the idol had fallen face down again, before the Ark of the Lord, but this time, his head and hands had been cut-off and they were lying in the doorway of the temple. Only the torso of his body was left intact. Now, you and I both know, what happen. Can you imagine how appalled God was, the insult of it all! The Most High God placed in a heathen temple before a god that has been made by man’s hands. The same men, that He created to serve Him. The audacity of it all! God severed Dagon’s arms and head and threw them at the entry way of the temple’s doors. I just couldn’t stop laughing and I had to pause, just to think, this is extremely funny. Oh, the awesome powers of our God! How outright absurd and ludicrous this was, especially when they had heard of God’s awesomeness, but once the Ark was captured, to them, He was just another god, but yet, I still couldn’t stop laughing. They had just messed up! Then comes God’s wrath. The Philistines had to pay a price for insulting God. God punished them with boils and with a plaque. We should love God, exclusively, “And thou shalt love thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and will thy mind, and with all thy strength; this is the first commandment" (Mark 12:30). God has given us free will. We can choose for ourselves who we wish to serve, but if you choose other than our Father, through Jesus Christ, then you may as well start trembling at the consequences. Who are you going to serve? As for me and my house, I will serve the Lord, EXCLUSIVELY!

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