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Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Some people are full of excuses. We all have met someone that is full of excuses. An excuse is an explanation for something that's wrong. When we give an excuse, we are trying to get someone to cut us some slack. My friend Eulalia says, "an excuse is a wrapped up lie."

People can be incredible creative when it comes to thinking of excuses. We used them to get out of situations. Sometimes excuses works and sometimes they don't.

Each and everyone of us is guilty of using excuses, simply because we do not want to commit to something, admit the truth about something, or to rationalize our actions.

We make excuses when it comes to eating healthier and exercising. We make excuses when things don't go our way. We make excuses when we don't achieve our goals in life.

We even make excuses for not having enough, for not handling a problem, and for not making the most of opportunities that may come our way. Excuses such as:

I just don't have enough time.

I am just not ready yet.

It is just too difficult.

People are holding me back.

I just can't deal with all of these problems.

We as humans are such creative excuse creators. But guess what? All of the really good excuses have already been used. In fact, the best excuses have been re-used, over-used, mis-used, and ab-used.

You simply need to accept what it is, and do whatever needs to get done to move forward. You are not the first one to come up with some excuses. Excuses are all in the Bible:

Eve's excuse was the snake made her do it.

Adam's excuse was the woman you gave me, made me do it.

Naaman's excuses was the river wasn't clean enough.

Jeremiah's excuses was that he was too young.

Moses' excuse was that he couldn't speak well enough.

Aaron's excuses was that he just threw the gold into the fire and it came out

as a golden calf.

The Bible says, "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuses." (Romans 1:20)

Excuses started with the first sin that was ever committed, between Adam and Eve. We make up excuses for some of everything. It's time to stop making up excuses. Let's turn our unpleasant circumstances or situations into challenges, and face them head-on. You are a child of the Living King, you have a purpose, commitment and character. You are a representative of Jesus, so be the person that God intends for you to be. By acknowledging and accepting who you are in Christ, let's move forward with a purpose driven mind of God, as He directs your path. Moving forward, let's agree, "No More Excuses!"

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