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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


I saw a sign on a car the other day and it read, "97% of people who attend church are unsaved."  I was flabbergasted!  Surely that percentage is way too high, or is it? Just like there is fake news, fake designer handbags, fake friends, and fake wanna-be's, there are fake Christians.   You can be the queen or king of fake, but "faking it unto you make it", will NOT get you into Heaven.   You see, as a Christian, we can expect to go through Hell while here on this earth, because once we die, heaven will be our home.  Thanks be to God we will never know what real hell is like, but if you are an unsaved person (someone who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior), you get just a little taste of heaven while on earth, because once you die, hell will be your home. As an unsaved person, imagine living here on earth and you think that you are living in hell, then you die and actually go to hell.  Uh-uh!  I am so sorry, we only get one chance to live our life and there are no do-overs. Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people.  Are you preparing or are you prepared?

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