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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


There are lean seasons and there are fat seasons. It appears that there are no seasons in between them. There is no transitional season. We go from the fat to the lean seasons and vice versa.

Sometimes those lean seasons go on and on. Like they are never ending. Have you had one of those seasons? Or maybe it’s just one of those days when nothing is going right. Those days drags on into weeks, and those weeks, drags on into months. All you want is a break from it all. Just when you think nothing else bad can happen it happens.

Your car breaks down. You get furloughed. Your refrigerator goes out. Your air conditioner goes on the brinks. A loved one becomes ill.

Disappointments come sashaying through your doors, like it’s the Grand Marshal of the parade. Disappointments bring along frustration, and frustration brings along defeat, and depression becomes the tag-along of misery.

You are at your wits end and you don’t know what to do.

You started thinking does Jesus really hear my cries? Does he see my tears? Does he hear my prayers?

You are not alone! I was in the middle of a party. No, not a get down, with the get down type of party. I was having a major “pity party”. Then, the Lord allowed the Holy Spirit to bring his word back to my remembrance. He had me open up my bible and read, Isaiah 40:28. “Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.”


He reminded me that I dare not think that He doesn’t see me drowning in my sorrows. He told me that He feels my pain and that He sees what is troubling me. Then, He reminds me of His promise, that I will rise up like a Phoenix out of ashes and I whisper softly, then I rise.

God is almighty and all powerful. Whatever we are going through, God cares. As we cry out to Him, we sometimes think that He doesn’t hear our cries, nor does he see us in our despair. But God is saying to us, don’t dismiss him nor think that He is thoughtless. God hears our cries and he sees our troubles and He feels our pain. He of all people knows that life isn’t fair. God wants us to know that he is neither deaf nor dumb. He can see and He can hear. Nothing ever escapes him. He cares about each and every one of us, and it's personal with him.

He wants us to know that we are limited, but He is limitless. We are limited in our knowledge and understanding. We are limited in our understanding of Him. We are limited in our thinking, when it comes to his power, when we compare him to what we are experiencing here on earth. We can’t put Him in a box nor can we put limits on Him.

He knows that we get tired and that we grow weary, but God is never tired nor does he ever grow weary. God’s power and his strength never diminishes. God is always our present help in our times of need. We can’t limit God. Don’t try to understand everything, including Him. Just lean on Him. Just trust Him! He knows that we get tired. Rest in Him! We think that we have been doing all of the heavy lifting. No, we haven’t. God has been doing the heavy lifting, because He has been carrying you, me and our burdens. He hasn’t gotten tired yet, and He never will.

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