DRAGONS! Our lives are full of dragons. What dragons? The sum of our fears and the heaviness from our burdens. We are always fighting dragons, on the daily. The enemy is the dragon and everything that he represents.
Dragons are mentioned by name, many times in the King James Bible. Some references to dragons include the following:
I am a brother to dragons and companion to owls (Job 30:29).
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called
the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world
(Revelations 12:9).
The Bible lists several characteristics of dragons. This beast can be poisonous (Deuteronomy 32:33), and is quite powerful (Isaiah 27:1), and they are a symbol of evil and rebellion against God (Revelation 12:3-4).
Our life is full of dragons. We are faced with some type of dragon everyday. So you are asking, how so? With everyday challenges, obstacles and missed opportunities. With sickness, suffering, and loss of a job. Also, we have set-backs, financial strain, and evil attacks through lies and hatred. These are the attacks from the dragon.
But have no fear, Jesus Christ is the “Dragon-slayer”. Isaiah 27 opens with the vision of the Lord slaying the sea monster Leviathan, the sea serpent Satan, the dragon, the devil. This creature was a monster of Egypt. The Lord is a “Dragon-slayer”. The new exodus was then the slaying of the dragon Leviathan. It was when Jesus gave him a fatal blow to the head. Jesus did this to Satan with His death and resurrection.
Jesus defeats the enemies of God by satisfying the wrath of God. Jesus has already conquered the kingdom of Satan, and that resulted from Satan’s accusations about us and our sins. Because of this, we have victory over our accuser. Jesus clothes us in His armor of His righteousness, by doing this, He shattered Satan’s power of accusing us, now there is not condemnation for those who are in Jesus.
So whatever dragons you are facing in your life, give them to Jesus. Just trust Jesus and He will give you the strength, that you will need for your daily walk.