I was driving along the countryside one day and a huge fly hit my windshield and splattered, all over the driver’s side on my car. I turned on the windshield wipers. That created a bigger mess creating a visibility problem. I had to pull over to the nearest service station to clean my window.
That’s how life is sometimes. We are driving along, no cruising along, then something happens to blur our vision. Whatever it is, it causes us to stop, to clean it up or to fix it. When we stop to correct it, then we can see better and more clearly. Sometimes, we get so caught up in living our lives, the busyness of it all, that we may have the tendency, to push God aside. Not, necessarily intentionally, but we do it. We start to decrease our time with Him or replace the quality time with a drive-by. You know, a drive-by is doing things in a hurry, so that you can get it over with. We become lack with our Bible Study or maybe stop reading our bible all together. We become lack in our prayers or do an abbreviated version, just to say that we at least prayed today. We start attending church every now and then, or we start playing hookie, not attending church, at all.
Whenever we become so busy living our lives, that we decrease or eliminate God in it, we will lose our focus. God balances our lives. He fulfills our lives. He blesses our lives. He must be in our lives. Without God, we are nothing and can do nothing. We belong to Him and He chastise those who belongs to Him. When we deviate from His will and move from Him, He will send us a reminder, to allow that “fly on the window”, to get your attention, so that you will have to pull over, for you to realize that you can’t see clearly, without Him. God is a jealous God. He tells us in Exodus 34:14, “for you shall not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God…”
Anytime you put ANYTHING before Him, a job, a relationship, your children, or any material thing, He will send you a reminder, before He sends the discipline. When you place your focus and your heart on people, places, or things, God will cause a blur in your vision, to make you stop and refocus. He will send something as small as a “fly on your window”, to get your attention to put you on notice, that it’s time to regroup and refocus on Him, or else.
I don’t want the OR ELSE, do you?