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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


FREE STUFF! Did you say something about free stuff? Yes, I did. Everybody likes it, no wait a minute, everybody loves to receive something free. I know that I do.

The Oprah Winfrey Show aired nationally for 25 seasons from September 8, 1996 to May 25, 2011. It remains one of the highest rated daytime talk shows in American television history. Oprah Winfrey was famous for her giveaways, so in the season premiere of 2004, every person in Oprah’s show audience was given a new Pontiac G6 that was donated by General Motors, worth about $8 million in total. The giveaway was the genesis of Oprah’s quote, “You get a car! You get a car! Everybody gets a car!” For the premiere of the show’s farewell season, the studio audience of 300 “ultimate fans” were rewarded by being given a trip to Australia with Ms Oprah herself.

Other giveaway shows included the annual Oprah’s Favorite Things Show, in which the studio audience received products Ms. Oprah considered good Christmas gifts. Wow, there is nothing like receiving free stuff.

You know what? God offers us something free everyday. The gift that he offers us is priceless. Money can’t buy it. You can’t sell it. You can’t earn it. Social prestige can’t even help you get it. You can’t steal it and you can’t borrow it. God puts no price tag on the Gift of gifts, because it is absolutely FREE. What is it? SALVATION! Salvation is a free gift from God.

We cannot pay for our salvation with good works. The Bible is very clear about this. Scripture tells us we simply cannot earn our way to heaven. Our good works are an imperfect means to a perfect destination. We could never be good enough to find ourselves in a place of perfection. For this reason, God has to do all of the work of Salvation. Not a single good work can be applied to the task on our part, and therefore, there is absolutely nothing that we could ever do or boast about. “Being justified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” Romans 3:24.

You cannot barter with God and you cannot bargain with God. God doesn’t play any games, especially the one that is called, “Let’s Make A Deal”. God holds in His mighty hands the priceless and precious gift of salvation. The best things in this life are free. The air that we breathe is free. The water that God provides for us is free, although some of us prefer to purchase bottled water, I guess you are paying for the plastic bottle, because God gave you the water for free. The love that God gives to us is free. God gives us faith and that is free and he didn’t stop there, He gave us hope and that is free too. His grace and His mercy is free. His loving kindness that is forever is free. Jesus is the gift that just keep giving and giving and giving. Thank you Heavenly Father for my Savior, Jesus Christ and all the freebies that He continues to provide to me.

Oh, and guess what, you don’t have to stand in long lines to get His free stuff. Hallelujah!

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