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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: May 3, 2020

I was born September 28, to the proud parents of Mildred and Melvin Thomas. They were surprised that I was a girl, but God wasn’t. Nothing surprises Him. He placed my parents together as husband and wife, because my DNA recipe needed to be a mixture of their DNA, with a little something extra special that He gave me, to be uniquely me. Jesus knew the moment I would be conceived. He knew the very second that I would come into this world. He placed my name in my mother’s mind, and had her to speak it to my dad, and over me. Cecilia Diane Thomas, she said fondly, proudly, and adoringly, to her first born child. Jesus has been the center of my life, all of my life. He has guided me, walked with me, and comforted me. I can’t imagine my life without Him nor Him not being in it. I have many names that I call Him. One of the names that I will use is The Fixer. I call Him this because He can fix anything. When I thought that I had messed up my life, He fixed it. Sometimes, I will call Him the Mender, because when my heart is broken, He mends it. I call Him the Doctor, when I am feeling sick and the doctors can’t diagnosis the illness, He heals me and makes everything better. He’s the Finder, when at times I feel as though I have lost my mind, He simply helps me with that too. He is my Survivor Kit, in him I have everything that I need and will ever need. He is my Shelter, my Financial Planner, and my Way-maker. He is my Promise Keeper, because he promised me that He will never leave me and that He will be with me until the end. My God who created me, has always been with me, protecting me, providing for me, fighting for me, caring for me, from my cradle and will always be there until the grave, when I give up my last breath. It doesn’t stop there, if I die before The Rapture, He will raise me from the grave, the bible says in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, “For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so we will always be with the Lord…” Yes, God has always been with me, and as long as I am His child, He always will. I can say it out loud, and with an attitude, because He is holding my hand, guiding my feet, walking with me, talking to me, and he tells me that I am His own, all the way back, from the rocking of my cradle, all the way down to my grave. I praise God that my body will be in the grave, but not my soul.

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