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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


There are all kinds of gardens. Some are professional landscaped and others are simple home gardens. There are gardens for a specific use such as a memory garden or a vegetable garden. There are gardens designed for a certain purpose like a meditation garden. There are some unique gardens like an herb garden that provides seasoning and herbs. A butterfly garden is planted just to enjoy watching them flying in their splendid colors. There are Hummingbird gardens, Sensory gardens, Cut flower gardens, Moonlight gardens, Rain gardens, Therapy gardens, Fruit gardens, Vegetable and Herb gardens, Pollinator gardens, just to name a few.

I am looking out of my living room window noticing, my two neighbors across the street. They are as different as night is to day. They don't agree on anything and they have absolutely nothing in common, except for one thing, gardening. On one side of the street lives Charmed, with a beautiful flower garden. Directly across from me is Annoyed, with a very sizable vegetable garden.

Charmed's flower garden is full of captivating clusters of Begonias, Hibiscus, Black-eyed susan, Caladium, Crocus, Daylily, Impatiens, Lantana, Marigold, Peony, Roses, and Hosta. This garden is beautiful and elegant, displaying a striking and vivid appearance of enchantment. Everything about it is eye-catching and it draws your attention to the fullness, and the strikingly impressive blooms of each flower.

Charmed's flower garden is magnificently magical. Each flower represents nature's finest. What a display of what the Creator has so compassionately given to mankind for our enjoyment. Charmed's flowers were all planted out of love. Charmed wanted each flower to represent God's love toward us.

The Begonias solicits a uplifting emotion, that inspires moral and spiritual elevation which inspires hope and happiness. The Hibiscus are stunning with exceptional beauty. They are sweetness that's pleasing to the senses. God wants us to be kind, gracious, and loving.

The Black-eyed Susans, are stylish, having a hit of surprise. They symmetrical, have harmonious characteristics. The Caladiums, are rich in abundance of great character and they are truly fruitful. The Crocus, are radiant with great love, joy, and happiness. The Daylilies, are breathtakingly beautiful and are delightful and free from any decay or dirt. The impatiens, are multicolored, with patches of sections colored with pureness.

The Lantanas, are magnificent in appearance and exceptional for its kindness. The Marigolds are mesmerizing and joyful, causing delight. Peonies are enchanting and delightful, polished, polite and graceful. The Hosta are fast growing, cheery, contented, and joyful.

Annoyed's garden is completely opposite of Charmed. Annoyed has planted a vegetable garden. The garden once consisted of tomatoes, carrots, spinach, cucumbers, radishes, potatoes, and all kinds of peppers. But Annoyed, who is always annoyed, and full of bitterness, allowed the garden to grow wild with brambles and weeds. Annoyed's abandoned garden needs a lot of hoeing and weeding.

Annoyed's garden was once a place overflowing with peace. Annoyed was once in harmony without conflict. The garden was grown, green, lush, fertile, productive, and fruitful, but now it was bleak, infertile, unproductive, parched and barren. What happened to Annoyed? Life happened to Annoyed. Annoyed became mean-spirited, heartless, callous, bitter, vicious, vindictive, and destructive. Annoyed turned away from God. Annoyed is under new management, the enemy.

The Bible says, "He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8). God wants us to trust Him, love Him, and pattern our lives after His Son. If ever in doubt simply ask yourself the question, "what would Jesus do?"

We know that Jesus doesn't want us to do: Do not lie. Do not steal. Do not commit adultery. Do not covet what others have. Do not dishonor our father and mother. Do not misuse the name of God. DO NOT worship no other god, but God. Do not murder. Do not make anything into an idol. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. But there is something else that God expect from us, to love others as we love ourselves.

The ultimate expectation for us is this, God wants us to accept His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as our personal Savior. He expects us to give our lives to Him. When we do this, we will develop the character of Christ. God wants us to become more like His Son, Jesus. When we become more Christ like, our life will be a garden enriched with benevolence of goodness, honesty, kindness, love, delightfulness, respectfulness, joy, and unbelievable peace.

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