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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter

GOD IS...!

How could we describe God? Or can we? I can began, but with my limited human vocabulary, I will fall short of any clear definition of God. How can I define or described the God that created the universe and everything in it? When I speak of the universe, I mean space, time, matter, energy, and us. Before creation there was nothing. No space, no time, no energy, no matter, and no us.

Although my vocabulary may be limited in describing God, my expressions and love for Him is sincere and unapologetic. One thing that I know is that we serve an AWESOME God, who controls ALL things, and He has ALL power. God is sovereign, He rules over ALL things. God the Son, created ALL things.

I am thankful to our Holy Father through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I adore Him and I will always lift Him up. I will always let the world know that there is no one like HIM. God is the Almighty God! The Most High God! The Ancient of Days! He is the Rock of Ages! He is glorious in holiness and fearful in praises, doing marvelous wonders! He is the only One that can do wonders! He is the only One that can save us! He heals! He delivers! Blessed be His name forever and ever!

God is my everything and everything to me. His attributes are limitless! But for those who may not be on a Spiritual high like myself, please allow me to break it down to you, what God is like to me, and in simpler terms.

God is like, "Allstate Insurance," because in Him and with Him, you know you are in good hands.

God is like, "Alka Seltzer," Pop pop fizz fizz, oh what a relief He is!

God is like, "American Express," you never leave home without Him.

God is like, "Band-aids," I am stuck on Him.

God is like, "Bounty Paper Towels," He is the Quicker Pricker Upper.

God is like, "Campbell Soup," He is umm umm good!

God is like the "Energizer Bunny," His love for us just keeps going and going and going.

God is like a "Hallmark Card," He care enough to give you the very best.

God is like, "Johnson and Johnson Shampoo," with Him there will be no more tears.

God is like a, "Klondike Bar," what are you willing to do for Him?

God is like, "Rolaids," His name spells "Relief".

God is like, "Saralee," nobody does it like Him.

God is like, "State Farm Insurance," He is always there.

God is like a, "Timex Watch," He took a licking and He kept on ticking (on the cross).

God is like, "Tony the Tiger," He's Great!

God is like, "Toyota," Oh what a feeling!

God is like, "Tylenol" He helps you push through.

God is like the "U.S. Army," He will help you be all that you can be.

We can never completely describe God or understand Him. God is mysterious but yet wonderful. God is the Trinity; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He is three persons in one. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are distinguishable persons within the Trinity and have different functions, yet they are perfectly united in the being of God. It is true in this case that 1 + 1 + 1 = ONE.

God is perfect! Somethings about God only apply to Him, and other aspects of God we share, like being created in Him image. God is glorious, majestic perfection and utterly different to us in this way. He is infinite, without beginning or end. He has no limitations at all. He is self-existent, not dependent on anyone for anything. He is consistent and unchanging.

God is sovereign! He rules over all and is the final cause of all that happens. He is everywhere and knows everything.

God is holy! He is pure and perfect, therefore He will not tolerant any evil, deceit, injustice, nor wrong doing.

God is good! He is loving, merciful, and compassionate.

God is...!!!!

"For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes." (Deuteronomy 10:17)

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