Divine providence is God's governance over the affairs of mankind and their destiny. He directs and watches over everything in the universe, ensuring that His will, will be accomplished here on earth. He has specific plans for our lives and He orders things in our lives to make sure that our destiny is fulfilled. Our destiny isn't left to mere chance. "Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world" (Acts 15:18).
God is the Creator of the universe and He rules over all creation - nature, animals, people, and nations. Since God is the Creator of heaven and earth, everything that occurs in the universe takes place under His Divine Providence. That means that everything happens under God's sovereign guidance and control. God governs everything in the universe as our loving father. Scripture tells us, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28). "All things" means, "All things." God never loses control of anything! If God lose control of anything, that's "All things," then He is not sovereign, and that means that He is not God.
Through God's divine providence, He accomplishes His desired will. To ensure that His purposes are fulfilled, God governs the affairs of man. Most times we can't see God's guiding hand of providence while He is guiding us, but we mostly can see it in retrospect. In Scripture, we see so many examples of God's divine providence. The story of Joseph shows God's divine providence. From the actions of his brothers, to the malicious acts of Potiphar's wife. Then Joseph's understanding of interpreting dreams, placed him in a position for the preparation for the famine. God's divine providence saved Israel and some Egyptians.
Ruth is another case of God's divine providence. She finds herself in Boaz's field, they become husband and wife, then parents, and then great-grandparents of King David. God works in mysterious ways. There are so many more examples of God's divine providence in the Bible. How God perfectly orchestrated His will for so many lives.
God's divine providence means that He cares about every little detail of His creations. He not only care about the big things, He also cares about the tiniest of things. He notice and cares about everything. Listen to the words of Jesus, "Are not two sparrow sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows" (Matthew 10:29-31). Nothing escapes God, including senseless accidents and tragedies. If you are having some testing experiences, well thank God, for you are in the company of God's saints listed in Hebrews and how God wonderfully provided for them. There were some who were tested to the limit and yet they remained faithful. They knew that their providential God would not abandoned them. Daniel was thrown in the lion's den and he trusted in God. The three Hebrew boys were thrown into the fiery furnace and yet they trusted in God.
Basically, providence means, the first seven letters of the word itself -- p-r-o-v-i-d-e. God will always provide for us, because He is our Provider. Providence means that God is aware of everything that happens in our lives. He is invested in us and because He has invested in us, he guides us, motivates us, comfort us, clarify things for us, and helps us make the best decisions. God is our Provider. Things do not happen randomly, but purposefully. There is not a day that we will not face some type of challenge. Those challenges comes in different sizes and shapes. God places those tests before us simply to bring us to a place where He can effectively use us. With every challenge God will provide a provision. God will never ask you to do something that He will not enable you to do. We will never see the hand of God move on our behalf until we step out beyond our own abilities and challenge God's Word. Where God guides, He provides. God provides the Promise. God provides the Plan. God provides the Power. God provides the Purpose. God provides the Provision. God provides the Protection. God provides His Presence.