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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: Feb 18, 2021

There has been a number of times in my life when it has been, for the lack of a better word, a voice in what seems like in the back of my head. Usually in a tone of a whisper. Sometimes, it would come and go, and it would come when I was quiet, and surrounded by quietness. It could be completely my imagination, but it isn’t because I believe in God, and I believe it was God speaking directly to me, in my greatest times of need.

Our God is a God that communicates. We just have to train our ears to hear Him. We must tune into His frequency and listen to His whispers.

The issue isn’t whether or not God is speaking to us, because He is, but are our ears listening to what He is saying. Once you learn to hear Him, then you will get better at discerning His words. Then you start craving for it, as you learn how to hear more from Him.

A word was brought to me in secret; my ears caught a whisper of it” Job 4:12. “What I tell you in the dark, speak in the light. What you hear in a whisper, proclaim on the housetop” Matthew 10:27.

God often speaks to us in a “still small voice” or “whisper," to direct us, challenge us or to encourage us. He speaks to us in a “whisper” because He is very close, maybe just one step away.

He doesn’t need to shout at us or use His indoor voice, He just whispers. He is there next to you, right at your ear.

So often we think that God doesn’t hear us or is not speaking to us. I think the problem is that we are not listening. Sometimes the “whisper” is so soft, you will have the tendency to dismiss it. I have so many times in my life, and later have asked God to please forgive me, promising Him that I will be more attentive to Him. Now, I try to practice listening for God’s voice in everything that I do.

The Bible says that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. So, what is God saying to you? God speaks through His Spirit, the Bible, and through other people, in ways that are consistent with His Word, so that He can reveal Himself to us.

To hear God’s whisper, you must be attuned to Him. You must really listen for it. Remember, Elijah didn’t hear God in the powerful wind, nor the earthquake, nor the fire. I am sure all of those things truly caught his full attention. No, God’s voice came to him in a gentle whisper.

We must learn to listen for the “whispers” of God, in all that we do. We must pray, pause, be still, and listen. We must wait on God to speak. Let’s practice the art of listening. Listening for the “whispers” of God.

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