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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: Feb 16, 2021

There once was a woman who lived next door to a man. The man was an atheist. Every morning, she would sit on her porch and pray to God. At the same time, the atheist would be sitting on his porch. When he saw her coming out of her house, he would go into his house, but he would leave his door open, so that he could feel the cool breeze of the morning.

The woman would sit on her porch and pray to God. She would tell God how her pantry was empty, and her refrigerator was bare. She would tell God that only if she had some money, she would go to the store and buy all of the things that she needed. She would just sit there and read to God, her grocery list. I can hear her saying, heavenly Father, I need some black-eye peas. I would love to have some in the package, so that I can cook them, but I am not picky, I will take the canned peas. I need some sweet peas, vegetable oil, sardines, yams, grits, eggs, bacon, tomatoes, okra, potatoes, and she would go on and on. She did this day after day.

One morning when she opened her front door, to pray to God, she couldn’t believe her eyes, she had bags full of groceries. There were many bags, they covered her porch. She stood on her porch, and, as loud as could, she hollered,Thank you heavenly Father, for being my “Way Maker, and 'Provider”. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayers. Thank you for your storehouse of blessings. She had so many groceries, she thought that we wouldn’t have enough room to put them. Ain’t God good!

The old man next door, who was the atheist, hollered, “Shut-up old lady, because God didn’t have anything to do with giving you those groceries.” He said, “I got so tired of hearing your prayers to your God everyday that I decided that the only way to shut you up, was to get up and do something about it. So, I got up early this morning and went to the store, and got everything on that verbal list, and then some.” She said, “Mr. Atheist, you may not believe in God, but God used somebody like you, to bless me.”

That’s the power of God. He will use someone who is nobody, to help somebody, in front of everybody, without asking anybody.

God has a storehouse of blessings for each and every one of us. You have not because you asked not. Some of you asked, and your lack of faith keeps you from receiving it. God’s storehouse of blessings is what fills our pantry. God will supply our pantry of needs, according to His storehouse in heaven. If the US can print money to create money, to send out stimulus checks, what do you think that God can do. Who is your source? God is your source! Who is your supplier? God is your supplier. God’s treasury is EXHAUSTLESS! He is the treasurer," who holds the treasury," that contains the “treasures.” The grocery list is your prayer list. You need to bring your list before God. Hold it steadily before Him, in faith and prayer. Be still and stop trying to work it out, and allow God to work for you. Give God the chance to work for you; and He will do it.

In God’s storehouse, there is always abundance. Nothing ever spoils nor stinks. Nothing is ever discontinued nor cancelled. Nothing ever expires, because it doesn’t have an expiration date. You will not have to worry about never having enough to eat and you will never have to worry about having an empty cup. With God, your plate is always full and your cup runs over.

Those things that threatened to overcome you with difficulties, discouragement, trials, and disasters, through God, they will be opportunities for His grace and glory in your life. God’s glory will present itself to you, like a firecracker. He always exceeds all expectations!

BING! BANG! POW! Did you hear that? Was that fireworks? No! God just answered another prayer.

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