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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Hunger and thirst are frequent human urges. It is extremely satisfying to eat a meal when you are hungry or to drink water when you are thirsty.

What does being hungry do to your body? The body’s system is very complex. “Hunger hormones” (ghrelin) in your blood, and an empty stomach signal the brain when you are hungry. Nerves in the stomach send signals to the brain that you are full.

What does spiritual hunger mean? Just as your stomach growls for food, your spirit longs for God.

I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty” ( John 6:35).

Our bodies were designed to require nourishment, so it is normal to feel hungry when it is time to eat. It works the same way with our spirit. We were created to fellowship and worship God.

God has a banquet prepared for us. It is the perfect feast of His presence. We were made for God and for His purpose. To honor Him, to glorify Him, and to pursue Him.

Psalm 34:8 says, “taste and see that the Lord is good.” But what does “taste” mean in the Spirit? When we “taste” food, we put it in our mouths, to experience its flavor, its texture, and its composition. In the Spirit, “tasting” means to experience the nature of God. What a very pleasant delicious meal, because every “taste” makes you want more and more of God.

When we are aware of God’s presence in our lives, He makes Himself known to us. It could be in a “still small voice”, like a whisper; through visions or dreams; sometimes a sweet fragrant smell; or being slain in the Spirit. Whatever your experience, you will know that you have tasted God and that special encounter will have you begging for more.

How do we “taste”? In the natural, we sit down at the table and eat by putting food in our mouths. In the spirit, we get to know God through prayer, talking to Him, in worship, reading and studying His holy Word, the Bible, and practice feeling His presence.

Are you hungry? Then pursue God! Sit down at His banquet table every chance that you get. Eat the food that He has prepared for you. Feast on God! Come “taste” and see that God is good!

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