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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


The song, "I Stand Accused," was written by William (Billy) Butler and Jerry Butler. It was first released by Jerry Butler in 1964. Then Issac Hayes released it on his album named, "The Issac Hayes Movement," in 1970. It is still a classic today.

God detests corruption and sin of any kind. Sin makes us guilty and sin is very discouraging to God. When we sin, we become liable to the justice of God. As the result of our sin, we incur a debt to God. Sin puts us at enmity with God. It breaks our relationship with Him. When we sin, we commit a crime against God. God is our righteous Judge.

In the the Book of Zechariah chapter 3, is an excellent scenario of our righteous and merciful God displaying compassion. This chapter sets the scene of what Zechariah saw one night. He identifies three characters that he saw in his night's vision. "And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him." Zechariah is Israel's current high priest. In his vision, there he was standing before the angel of the Lord. Standing at Zechariah's right hand or side was "the accuser" himself, Satan, preparing to accuse him before the angel of the Lord. Standing at the right hand was the traditional place where an accuser stood if you were a Jew.

"Then the angel showed (in my vision) Joshua, the high priest, standing before the angel of the Lord; and Satan, was there too, at the angel's right hand, accusing Joshua of many things. And the Lord said to Satan, 'I reject your accusations, Satan; yes, I the Lord, for I have decided to be merciful to Jerusalem - I rebuke you. I have decreed mercy to Joshua and his nation; they are like a burning stick pulled out of the fire. Joshua's clothing was filthy as he stood before the angel of the Lord.' Then the angel said to the others standing there 'see I have taking your sins, and now I am giving you these new fine clothes." Zechariah 3:1-4

So, standing there in front of the angel of the Lord, and Zechariah's accuser at his right hand, the Lord spoke to the accuser, declaring Joshua innocence from Satan's accusations, and the Lord's sovereign choice of Jerusalem. The Lord then refers to Joshua as a burning stick plucked from the fire. Joshua represents Israel and plucked from the "fire" was probably referred to the Babylonian captivity of the Israelites.

Joshua's clothing was filthy, standing before the angel of the Lord. This represented the unclean state in which Israel stood in Zechariah's day. Then the Lord instructed "the others" to remove Joshua's filthy clothes, symbolizing the high priest's (Israel) iniquities, which God had forgiven them. God was going to replace the filthy clothing with "fine clothes." They were to be replaced with clothing of royalty and wealth, symbolizing God's righteousness, by restoring Israel as a priestly nation.

Here in Zechariah, Satan accuses Joshua. The accusations were accurate. Joshua stood in filthy rags (sins). Yet God revealed His mercy, stating that He chose to save His people anyway. Satan is always accusing God's people of their sins, before God. But he greatly misunderstands the depth and breadth of God's mercy and forgiveness toward those who believe and love God, through Jesus Christ.

Zechariah's vision portrays how we obtain God's mercy. We can do nothing by ourselves. It is at God's will, God's love, God's grace, and God provides us with new clean clothes. The new clothes are the righteousness of Christ. His blood that was shed for us. All we need to do is just repent and ask God for His forgiveness. Satan tries to make us feel dirty, unworthy, and unfit for God's kingdom. But remember that the clean clothes of Christ's righteousness, makes us worthy to draw us closer to God.


I stand accused of all of my sins. I am aware that I have sinned and come short of God's glory. When I sin, Satan tries to use this opportunity to taunt me and you. By accuses us of every sin that we have ever committed. He presents our sins to the Lord Jesus Christ, at every opportunity.

Yes, I stand accused of every sin that I have committed, and will commit. YES, I am guilty, but praise be to God, that the BLOOD of Jesus has exonerated me, and you too.

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