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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


There are some companies that are known for their protection against “identity theft”. They say that putting a freeze on your credit may not be enough. Identity theft goes beyond credit fraud. With information like social security numbers and birthdate, criminals can file tax returns, steal from investment accounts or rack up medical bills. Those companies work to help protect you against “identity theft”.

Almost everyday we become bombarded with news reports about the latest breach of security, with banks, government agencies, healthcare facilities, hospitals, even our credit bureau agencies. Firewalls are hacked and passwords are stolen. Then our personal information including our social security numbers are exposed.

These hackers don’t discriminate, they hack Christians, as well as non-Christians. Like modern day hackers and con-artists, Satan is the master hacker and con-artist. His actions are motivated by jealousy, deception, pretense, lies, trickery and envy, just to name a few. He uses tricks and deception to attack our identities as children of God. He plays tricks on us about our standing with God and our relationship with him. He wants us to doubt God’s love for us. He even tried to tempt Jesus while Jesus was in the wilderness.

Identity theft isn’t new to this 21st. Century. Oh, no! Remember the Biblical story of Jacob and Esau. In Genesis 27, we see a true form of “identity theft”. Esau was Issac’s oldest son. When Rebekah learned that Issac was preparing to bless Esau, she quickly devised a plan to trick him into blessing Jacob instead. Jacob stole Esau’s identity, his birthright, and blessing. “The blessing” in which he officially hands over, the birthright, to the rightful heir. After the blessing is given, the birthright can no longer be taken away. Now this is “Identity theft”, at its highest level.

Jesus also tells us to be aware of those who will steal His identity. He tells us that many will follow after “false teachings” given by “false preachers”. We need to also beware of fake Christians, as well. They are holy rollers on Sunday, all dressed to the nines, but as soon as they leave church, their true identities are revealed. Just like being good, doesn’t get you in heaven, going to church is not your ticket into heaven. These people are just Sunday “so-called” Christians. They really don’t care about Christ, they are just “pretenders”. They are wearing a religious “veneer”. They want God to bless them, because they are not honestly seeking God. The sad part about it, some people have been faking it for so long, they have perfected the act so craftily, that they have forgotten that they are fakers and pretenders. But God hasn’t forgotten.

No one is perfect and Christians do backslide. There are true believers and true believers have God working in them.

God knows His children. When you are a true believer, you have repented and given Jesus your life. When you honestly give Jesus your life, your life will never be the same again. You long for an intimate relationship with him. You will seek to please him and you will thirst for His word. You long to imitate His likeness. God’s children are the ones that pursue a relationship with Him. They pursue a righteous life before God. They are honestly seeking God. Yes, when you long for Jesus, you will commit “identity theft”. Stealing His identity, in all of his goodness, and his holy character traits.

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