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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


The Human Experience is a term for the realities of human existence including the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical characteristics of human life.

As human beings, we were born into an unfamiliar world. We have the senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound and sensations. We have family such as maternal and paternal. We have had the experience of being young with our whole life ahead of us. We have had to experience the constant change to the things that created needs that we had to constantly adapt to. We are always in the learning process of acquiring new knowledge through failures and successes.

We have had the experiences related to the body such as sickness, pain, and hunger. We have had challenges that prevented us from getting what we wanted. We have an imagination, with the ability to think beyond what is known. We have rational thought, the ability to develop ideas that other people values. We have emotions, empathy, fears and joy. Sometimes hate and anger may show their ugly heads that may cause us to act out.

The human experience is the human condition and it is the characteristics and key events that compose human existence, including our birth, growth, emotional aspirations, conflicts and mortality.

Sometimes life is like reading a road map. As you travel, some things get confused complicated, and painful. As you continue your travel on this highway called life, you will run into the unknown and will stop at different places. Every now and then, the directions will get fuzzy, there will be changes, and many detours will happen. Then there are times you will get lost.

There are times you may feel that you are not living, just merely existing, simply put, you are imitating life.

There may be times when you may find yourself thinking, do you really have a purpose. Living without a purpose is just existing, and existing is not really living. It's like something is missing in your life and nothing can fill it. It's like an emptiness.

Merely existing in life is like being on automatic pilot. Your eyes are opened but yet you are not really seeing. You put one foot in front of the other, but yet you are not going anywhere. There is no excitement, no feeling, and no challenge. You are just going through the motions of living.

The monotony of life, the day-to-day normalcy, and without the hope of something, is like torture. Then you start questioning yourself, is my life suppose to be like this? What an imitation of life!

I have been there and done that! If it wasn't for Jesus, I would have lost my mind. Only Jesus can help you be comfortable with the cards that you were dealt with.

Life is short! You can't waste a single day while you are still among the living. What you do every day really does matter. Write your story. Start a new chapter in your life. Create it! Dream it! If you can dream it then you can do it. Step into your life to re-write it. Start over and live, don't just exist.

Appreciate the wonderful people in your life, family and friends. Look at how blessed you are. Your family and friends loves and adore you. They care about you, no matter what you do.

You are an unique and special person. There is only one of you and God made you to be simply you. Hold onto your individuality and wear it with pride. Move forward and just be you.

Learn to let go, because some things can't be fixed. Trying to force something back into place, can make it worst. Its best to let it be and start over, whether it is a relationship or a situation. Letting go is not a failure. It's a choice to take another direction. Somethings are meant to stay broken.

"Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase. Your latter years will be greater that your former." (Job 8:7)

God is about to blow your mind! You have been strategically placed right here, where you are for a purpose. You are still alive because Jesus still has much work for you to do.

The best is yet to come! You may think that you have lived the best years of your life, but you have not begun. God has so many plans for you. The devil wants you to think that your life is almost finished, but in reality, it has just begun.

God sees you and He knows everything. He knows our every move and thoughts. Our all-seeing and all-knowing God knows our heart and understands our every desire. There are a lot of imitations in life, but your life is not one. Now go and live your amazing best life!

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