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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: Feb 17, 2021

If you pull out a dollar bill, smack in the middle on the back, in large print, you will see “IN GOD WE TRUST.” The motto "IN GOD WE TRUST," was placed on United States coins largely because of the increased religious sentiment existing during the Civil War. Secretary of the Treasury, Salmon P. Chase received many appeals from devout persons throughout the country, urging that the United States recognize the Deity on United States coins.

We place our trust in a lot of things and people. God tells us that to place our trust in man, because man will bring us many disappointments. We go to bed and believe that we will wake-up the next morning. Are we trusting in the alarm clock? Who are you trusting? We start our day, resting in assurance that all will be well. Who are you trusting? We start our day preparing to go to our jobs, that we believe that will be there when we get there. Who are you trusting? In route to our homes, we are looking forward to getting there, believing that our house and family will be there when we arrive. Who are you trusting?

In God I trus,t and in God I will die. It is only God who wakes me up in the morning and starts me on my way. In God I trust! It is only God, who places me in my right mind and provides me reasonable health and strength. In God I trust! It is only God, who puts food on my table and provides a roof over my head. In God I trust! It is only in God, that I place all of my trust. So in God do I trust.

All of us have experienced our fair share of hurt and pain. We have been jaded by failed dreams, broken relationships, and empty promises. No matter how hurt or worn down we may feel, we can always trust God with our hearts. He will never lie to us, manipulate us, or let us down. He will never go back on his word to us, abandon us, or stop loving us. God is always true to his Word.

In God I trust! So who are you putting your trust in? In God We Trust!

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