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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


One of my friends invited me to attend an Invitation Only Platinum Event. Once I purchase my ticket for the event, I would be on the “Invitation Only” list. The “invitation only” list is the Luxe VIP level of “YOUAREONTHELIST.COM”. As a member of the “Invitation Only” list, you will receive exclusive invitations to curated lifestyles events such as intimate dinner series, exclusive store shopping events, advanced film screenings and film premier listening parties, fashion week parties, all with the added access to super exclusive social and cultural events you can usually only read about. She said that, “it’s simple, contact them, fill out the application, chose to either pay monthly or annually. Then you will be #ONTHELIST.” I declined, and said, “no thanks.”

I praise God that I don’t desire those types of things in life, but I am not knocking those who do.

When she presented me with this invite, I immediately thought about Jesus and the amazing opportunities through Him, for me now and the exclusive benefits waiting for me in Heaven.

Jesus presents us with an “Invitation Only” offer too. For those of us that have accepted Him as our personal Savior, we will be special members of an exclusive lifestyle event, like no other. Being on Jesus’ “Invitation Only”, member’s list will entitle us to the following:

  • Invite and Access - to everything heaven has to offer;

  • Advance “Save The Date” registry - to heaven;

  • Special Pricing -P.I.F., Jesus has paid it in full;

  • Concierge Services - always with no exceptions

  • Annual Fee - forever waived;

  • Private Account - our heavenly treasures; and

  • On the List - our names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

For those who are not marked as “YOUAREONTHELIST.COM”, Jesus is now, and always is, accepting applications. How do you apply? By simply asking Him to come into your life and invite Him into your heart. By adhering to John 3:16. Please don’t keep Him waiting. This is a limited time offer.


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