The definition of isolation is the state of being alone or away from others. Quarantine, alienation, detachment, anomie, estrangement, insulation, secrecy, insularity, solitude, loneliness, purdah, privateness, insularism are others words for Isolation.
Social Isolation is a state of complete or near-complete lack of contact between an individual and society. It differs from loneliness, which reflects temporary and involuntary lack of contact with other humans in the world.
In the future, when we hear the word, “Isolation," we will probably immediately think, “Covid-19”. And we will have a lot of stories to share. Not just stories, but “TESTIMONIES”. For some, being in “isolation” has been a nightmare. To others, it could be bittersweet. With me, thus far, it has been “bittersweet”.
If there was an emotional scale to gage my emotions, my emotions would have hit each digital base all over the board on the chart. My emotions have created its own dance and created its own music and it is a collage of a mixture that is uniquely blended and cannot be replicated and has created an element that is bouncing off of the “Periodic Table” with a symbol that the best scientists cannot decipher.
But yet, being in Isolation isn’t all bad. I did say it has been bitter and yet sweet, thus bittersweet. Isolation! Social Distancing! Self-Isolation! Quarantine! We all are facing a new normal. Being isolated isn’t something that isn’t a new thing. The Bible gives us scriptures that tells us about “isolation”.
It appears “Isolation” is a necessary requirement for some. It is necessary to complete our Spiritual Journey. Joseph served in the wilderness (isolation), while he was in slavery and in prison, before God used him. Joseph had to wear the chains around his ankles before he could wear the gold chains around his neck. Elijah and Paul, both spent time in the wilderness (isolation), before God sent them out to do His will. Even Jesus had his wilderness (isolation) moments. After John the Baptist baptized Jesus, Jesus was lead into the wilderness. He fast for 40 days and 40 nights and was tempted by The Tempter, himself. Afterwards, Jesus begin His public ministry.
So we are in “Isolation”. We are having a wilderness experience. But in this wilderness moment, lets thirst for Christ. Lets not be or get angry. Lets not be in despair. Of course, we all are human and we are seeing and hearing things to cause anger and despair. Let us hunger for the Word of God. Let us thirst for Jesus. God got you!!! When this is all over, we should be transformed, new and improved.
While in “isolation” we should have a spiritual growth and a greater intimacy with the Lord. We should be seeking, listening, and praying to God. God is molding us during this time in our lives. We should be drawing closer to Him.
Oh yes, we are in the wilderness as we continue to sheltered in place. We are having to be in quarantine. We are in “isolation”, but not isolated from God. But afterwards, you should share your wilderness/isolation experience and you should tell your story with boldness. Oh, what a story to tell! Share your testimony of how God brought you over.
My testimony is so “AWESOME”! I can’t wait to share it. It is a story that is SO unbelievable, because only God could have made it happen. It all happened while I was in “Isolation," in the wilderness. My story is a testimony and God is still writing it. HALLELUJAH!!!!