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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Sometimes, while waiting on God, we will have the tendency to let go of God's hand and try to do things our own way. That's when things starts going to the left (away from God's plans for us).

We allow the enemy to whisper in our ears, planting thoughts in our mind, and we begin to think that those thoughts are really our own thoughts, but Satan has placed those thoughts into our mind (like he did Eve in the garden of Eden). The enemy wants us to think that we created those thoughts and ideas.

Once those thoughts are planted, they ignites our emotions. We don't react on the thoughts, but we react on the emotions. When we act on the emotions, three things tend to happen:

1) We separate from the will of God. The will of God is the purpose that God has

mapped out for our lives. We step away from under His umbrella, therefore

causing us to separate from His protection as our Father, the Protector.

We become Self-consumed, Self-absorbed, Self-important, and Self-sufficient.

2) Now that we have become all about "self," we think that we know what is right

for us, causing us to self-destruct. Like I said, "we think" we know what is right

for us, forgetting that God is our Provider, and now we think that we are "Self- sufficient."

3) This is all too sad. This is when we think we have reached a point of no return,

only to discover that we have now "Self-Imploded," because we can't live

without God.

Thank you Jesus for those two inseparable twins, "Grace and Mercy." It is God's Grace and Mercy that brings us through! That's why we shouldn't never want to hold onto God's hand, because when we hold onto His hand, we are telling God that we want to guide Him. On the contrary, we should desire for God to hold our hand and guide us. God's hand is too large for us to hold onto. We may get tired and let go, but when God is holding our hand, He will never get tired and He will never let go.

We should always want God to hold our hand, to lead us, to guide us, and lean to His understanding. Because His thoughts are not our thoughts, His ways, are not out ways. We should always remember, don't look are what it looks like, because we are playing a small scene in a big picture. When the picture is finished, we will be awestruck and God will truly get the glory.

"Then you will find favor and high regard in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight..." Proverbs 3:4-6.

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