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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


To worry, I am sorry to say, is part of the human experience. Many of us spend a lifetime, just worrying. Our life, is a life of worrying. We get up in the morning worrying and we go to bed worrying.

One day Jesus was traveling near the Sea of Galilee. He went up on a mountaintop and gathered His disciples around Him, the crowd found space near the bottom of the hillside in order to hear what He was teaching. Jesus taught on subjects about prayer, justice, care for the needy, religious law, adultery, divorce, fasting, judging others, salvation, retaliation, an eye for an eye, fasting, treasures, anger, and so much more. Jesus' Sermon on the Mount is found in the gospel of Matthew, chapters 5 through 7.

Jesus didn't stop there, He touched on a subject that many of us need to understand, because many of us spends our lives worrying. The Lord wants you to "let it go." Take a stand today, to worry no more. "Let it go!"

We are living in a time when things happens, like in rapid fire. We are living in the Last Days. We are getting closer and closer to the return of Jesus. But we have the tendency to forget, that Jesus is our Problem Solver. When the conflicts and problems of life confronts you, and it gets out of your control, just take it to Jesus. The power of prayer is able to change the situation, but if God chooses not to remove the problem or conflict, His grace will sustain you.

Someone said, "worry has become an American past-time." How true. Worry has become so ingrained in our personalities, that once that particular worry has been resolved, we start searching for new ones. For so many people, worry has become their lens through which to view life, and they have forgotten any other way to live. I am here to tell you to "let it go."

There was a story once told to me, many years ago about a man and death. "And so one morning Death was walking into a city when a man stopped him and asked what he was doing. Death answered, "I am going into the city to kill 3,000 people." The man replied, "that's terrible." Death responded, "taking people when their time has come is my job." Later, as death was coming out of the city, the man met him and said, "you told me that you were going to take 3,000 people with you, but 4,000 died today." Death answered, "don't get mad at me, I only took 3,000, but Worry killed the rest."

Why live in a state of worration, when you can live worry free. Jesus said, "come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." Why continue to beat yourself up over a problem that is too big for you to handle, when you can give it to Jesus, and just rest?" "Let it go!"

By worrying, we are allowing ourselves to become stressed-out. The emotional toll of stress is powerful. It causes harm to our health. As a result, so many people suffers from, irritability, anger, fatigue, and sleeplessness. Consequently turning to medication, street drugs, and indulging in unhealthy eating habits.

Jesus isn't worried and He sees what's going on with you. Jesus allows us to go through bad things, because it strengthens our faith. We must understand that worry is an exercise in futility. Why? Jesus promises to meet our needs. "Therefore, I say unto you, be not anxious for your life. What ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for what ye shall put on" (Matthew 6:25). "Let it go!"

Jesus wants us to be an example that stands strong in times of trouble. We oftentimes worry over the simplest things in life. Let's stop spending so much time in sweating the small stuff and remember everyday will always bring a challenge. Each day has it's own problems. Today is the tomorrow that we worried about yesterday. So, "let it go!"

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