Have you ever been miserable? Maybe you have never been miserable, but I am sure you have run across some people that were miserable. The word miserable is defined as a state or feeling of great distress or discomfort of mind or body.
Have you ever heard the phrase, "misery loves company?" Misery really loves company! A miserable person is a very unhappy person and they seek to make others miserable and unhappy too. Miserable people usually want other people around them to be as miserable as they are, so they can all have a massive misery/pity party. Some people find it extremely comforting when other people are going through the same things that they are going through. They seek the miserable company of others who are not satisfied, resentful, unhappy, and are complainers. These people are jealous hearted, hateful, bitter, feel dejected and defeated. They seek to be around like minded people.
Can you imagine the invitees at that massive misery/pity party? People have gathered there as a social past-time to share their misery with each other. It usually will offer some type of emotional release when they share their story. Imagine, while on the dance floor, each individual will display their dance of choice in some form of misery, such as agony, depression, suffering, torment, and the likes.
Imagine the banquet table full of entrees with platters full of despondency, bowls full of gloom, with sides of heartache. The table has a variety of dips filled with sorrow, worry, and melancholy. All of them are seasoned with a little bit of bad news. The salad bar consists of distress for lettuce, anxiety for tomatoes, woe for cucumbers, and affliction for croutons. The choice of salad dressings are wretchedness and unhappiness. The dessert table is filled with cakes made of torture, pies with discomfort, cookies with despair, and tarts full of grief. Each beverage represents a combination of sadness, anguish, hurt, and pain.
People this miserable are usually looking for targets to be the object of their attacks. They will criticize or belittle you. They will say some of the cruelest words to you. They will look at you and think that you did something wrong to them, but that miserable person is only looking for an outlet. Sometimes it may come from a complete stranger or someone you just met, but don't be surprise when it comes from your closet friend or a family member. Believe me, I have received attacks from each one of those scenarios. So when their tongues start lashing out those hateful and hurtful words, I then realize that it's my job as a Christian to pray for them. Then I make a committed effort in knowing that Ms. or Mr. Misery, cannot request my company again. I thank God that I know Jesus.
Now let me be explicitly clear, everyone that is miserable is not trying to drag you down to hurt you or belittle you. They are just unhappy with their life, whether personal or professional. They are simply looking for a way out of their situation. They are searching for someone to help them. These people usually are not jealous hearted, vindictive, resentful, hateful or bitter, but most times they are just depressed or lonely and they need someone around them that they can relate to or vent to. God knows that at times we may suffer loneliness and depression. God knows that there will be times that we may be low in spirit. God is still there with us and He's not going anywhere, "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit" (Psalm 34:18). This can be an excellent opportunity where you can reach out and help them that is reaching out for help.
I am a very positive person. I think positive things and I display an upbeat and positive posture. When I am feeling discouraged about anything, I always talk to the Lord about it. But everyone is not like me. Some people handle their problems and struggles in so many different ways. Problems and struggles are just a part of life, but take comfort in knowing that God is always there for us, no matter what troubles we may face. "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves received from God" (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).
Yes, misery loves company and as long as YOU are not the company, then you have nothing to worry about.