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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


In my earlier years, I loved watching the Mission Impossible series. As the show begins, a tape would play that outlined enemy plot, and it required immediate action.

Their assignment, if they chose to accept it would be dangerous and extreme. If they failed, it would be disastrous, for both the world and their team.

There is another mission and it is possible. God's mission and God's team. God has chosen us for a special mission. Each one of us has a special purpose and it's a life's journey. God has given each and everyone of us a purpose, a vision, and a mission.

Your mission today, should you decide to accept it is ___________________________ (only you know what's your mission is). As always, should you chose to accept it, the road will not be easy. If they crucified Christ, then what will they do to you? The more you love Him, the harder the journey. The more you long to keep your eyes on the prized, the more they will lie on you. The more you wish to be obedient to Jesus, trust me, they will attack your character. The more you become more Christ-like, the more they will talk about you.

My mission everyday is to please God and God only. My desire for my walk to be pleasing to God. When I awaken each morning, I give thanks to God who is my Protector and Provider. I thank Him for all that He has done for me, what He is doing for me now, and what He will continue to do for me.

During the course of the day, "my mission," is to please Him. My prayer is, "Heavenly Father, may my walk be pleasing n Your sight and Your sight only." I mean every single word of my prayer. Part of my mission is to win souls for Christ. Not only that, but to serve Him and do so in obedience. By serving Christ, I have become His servant. As His servant I can become all things to all people, as I become servant for all and to all. Galatians 1:10 says, "For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I shouldn't be the servant of Christ."

Only you know what God has called you to do. God will not put more on you than you can bear and every mission that He gives you, is truly POSSIBLE. We are more than conquerors through Christ, but sometimes we give up before we get started. We all have a role to play in this Christian Kingdom. We need to do our part to win, to win lost souls to Christ. We are part of the Kingdom builders and we need to be in the game, because we are not just observers. We are all part of the team, the Body of Christ.

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