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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


Updated: May 3, 2020

We all have a “go-to” person that we talk to and confide in. You usually have a particular person that you vent to. You may have someone else you may confide in. You may use another person, that you just, shoot-the-breeze with (a casual conversation).

My husband and my mother was my “go-to” people. Between the two of them, I shared everything with them. I would pour my heart out to my mom. It didn’t matter if it was something trivial of something major, I vented. My mother would just sit and listen and when I was finished, she would say, “baby, everything will be okay.” Once my mother told me that, I believed her, and I knew that it would be okay. There was no doubt, she said it, and I believed it. My mother and my husband are no longer with me. They are now heaven bound.

God has placed me now, in the “quiet zone”. I thought to myself, now it is just me, all by myself. God had to remind me, that I was never by myself. He was with me and always has been with me. I have never been alone and never will be.

While in the “quiet zone”, I am constantly talking to him. My entire focus is on Him. He is letting me know that He is my everything and is everything to me. He will always be there for me, as a shoulder to cry on and Someone that I can always lean on. He reassures me that He is all that I really need. Everything else is an “add-on”.

God should always be our “go-to” person. He desires for us to converse with Him, at all times, not just in desperate times. He wants an intimate relationship with us. He wants us to pour our hearts out to him, not just doing the bad times, but during all the different seasons of our life.

We all have seasons in our lives, especially when the Holy Spirit is working powerfully in us. Then, our spiritual senses are heightened and we pursue God in an intimate manner. The seasons of desperate measures, requires desperate prayers, where God becomes our all-in-all and everything else is secondary. Then over a short or long period, that intensity grows lukewarm, and sometimes our prayer life does too. God has a way of turning the heat up on us, by allowing a few bumps in our way, to adjust the atmosphere or temperature in our prayer life.

Jeremiah 29:12-13 says, “Then you will call upon ME and come and pray to ME and I will hear you. You will seek ME and find ME, when you seek ME with all your heart.” To seek Him with all our hearts, is to place Him first, then, every other object or person second. We are to always seek the Lord Jesus. As Christians, we know that Christ died to bridge the unbridgeable gap between a holy God and the imperfect man. We are promised a much deeper knowledge and closer communion with Him, if we would plunge into the depths of His Word; reach into the heights of His Truth, and look into the Light of His Countenance, the face of the Lord Jesus. We have been promised that when we seek Him and search for Him with ALL of our hearts, we will find Him.

Let us, with all of our hearts, with a fervent spirit, with the sincerity of our soul, and with a diligent mind, search for not what is just good, but the very best, and that is Jesus. Jesus is the best thing that has ever happened to us. He brings rest to our souls, healing to our hearts, hope for our future, and gives us everlasting life.

Jesus should always be our “go-to” person, first, never second. We should always praise God, knowing that everyone that seeks Him and searches for Him, has been promised, in His Word, that He will be everything we need, when we search for Him with our whole heart.

Now, who is your “Go-To” Person?

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