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  • Writer's pictureCecilia Porter


I don’t think that a day goes by, without me repeating this sentence, “Jesus is my Rock, my Sword, and my Shield”. Jesus is my Everything, and He is everything to me!

MY ROCK: “On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand; all other ground is sinking sand.”

What does the word “Rock” means in the Bible? The word, Rock is used over 142 times in the Bible. It is often, in reference to God. The Book of Psalms, have so many references to God, as the Rock. “The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold” (Psalm 18:2).

God is our Rock, and our salvation, and Jesus Christ is that Rock. Like a Rock, Jesus can never be moved, and neither shall all who stand on Him. He is our strong foundation and He is immovable. Jesus, the Rock provides shelter, refuge, strength and safety. God is our Rock, and this creates a tremendous picture to us as strength, endurance, and reliability. God is our Rock. The source of life and salvation. He is the cornerstone, the immovable foundation on which the church was built. He is our Rock of Safety and the Living Stone.

MY SWORD: Matthew 10:34-36 describes Jesus telling his disciples that He came to not to bring peace to the world, but a sword. What kind of sword? Not a literal sword. A weapon that will divide the good from the evil, those in Christ from the antichrist, those in the light from those in darkness, and those who are children of God from those who are children of the devil. In Ephesian, the sword is a piece of spiritual armor. It is described as a sword of God’s own spirit and defined as “the word of God”. It is not a violent weapon, but the powerful Word of God that speaks of truth and light, justice and righteous thinking, mercy and judgement. God’s words are a powerful spiritual sword. God’s word is living and active. “It is sharper than any two-edge sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires” (Hebrews 4:12).

MY SHIELD: God is my shield. The shield is a symbol of defense, protection and covering. They are used to intercept attacks. “Every word of God is pure: He is a shield unto those that put their trust in Him” (Proverbs 30:5).

God is our protection and for those who are believers in Christ, we have the privilege of being under His Shield. God’s Word assures us of His divine protection. He promised us and we can rest in His promises. His promises yields comfort, peace, happiness and joy. In Isaiah 26:20, God invites us to rest in His arms of protection. When trouble comes we can run to God for refuge and fully enjoy the benefits of His love and protection. “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Under His wings, shall you trust and find refuge” (Psalm 91:1-4).

My Rock, my Sword, and my Shield, Jesus is part is my life. I find peace in Him even in the midst of chaos. He is always there to protect me even in the midst of a storm. He gives me peace of mind and guides me.

Jesus is my Rock, my Sword, and my Shield. He is my Strength, my Portion, my Strong Tower, my Refuge, my Protection, my Deliverer, my Help, and He is my Everything. With Him I stand on a solid immovable foundation. By His Word, in His comfort, and under His shelter. With Jesus, I have everything that I need.

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Oct 15, 2020

Earthly words for INEXPLAINABLE LOVE!

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